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11-19-2012, 06:17 AM
Hello everyone x I have just downloaded this app. I have had chronic anxiety for 3 years due to being bullied all my life by an alcoholic relative and other dysfunctional relatives. I moved away and cut them from my life but the anxiety didn't go away as I expected it to. Right now I have a scared feeling constantly like something bad is about to happen. I grind my teeth especially in my sleep. I avoid going out and when I have to (kids school meeting, shopping etc) I get shaky and think I stand out a mile. My partner is unsupportive, he tells me to just stop worrying which is exactly what I want to do, I just don't know how to convince myself I'm safe. I have been to the doc and was given Prozac but I really don't want to take them, I just want to naturally get better if it's possible. Thanks for reading x

11-19-2012, 02:24 PM
Firstly, give your partner a kick in the danglies for being so unsupportive.
Then, when he's bending over in agony, hold his head steady and knee him in the nose.

That's Mr Yorkshire sorted!

Now then Mrs Yorkshire...

Anxiety isn't just about being a little bit nervous, is it? oooh noooooo... anxiety goes way, WAY beyond that.
It can take over your mind, which in turn takes over your life and is altogether and very nasty, debilitating, fearful place to be.

Although medication can and does work wonders in the immediate term, it doesn't tackle the problem for the longer term.

The problem is that your mind remains fearful of the events that have occured in the past.
They were so traumatic that they've left a bit of an imprint in your brain.

The good news is that this is totally treatable. The bad news is that it CAN take a bit of a while i'm affraid.

You need to find support. Councelling, or better, cognetive therapy is designed to help people JUST like you.
I cannot rate it highly enough.

If you leave your condition to heal itself, I guarantee it will take MUCH longer than it would if you were to attend therapy.

Your unsupportive partner will not be helping ONE BIT.

11-19-2012, 03:18 PM
Yorkshire, it sounds like you have at least some symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which is considered an anxiety disorder.

11-22-2012, 03:54 PM
Thank you for the reply. It was not my partners fault that I developed anxiety but he does make it worse, but that is my fault as I only go for a certain type of man, he is/was a friend of my alcoholic father and I was looking for a father figure (6 years ago and we have a 3 year old) I have moved to a lovely country village to get away from my relatives, yet my partner won't walk with me or join any village groups. He just moved with me with the boxes, like I packed a problem with me. I try to find peace walking and enjoying our new environment, he goes to the pub, argues, gets a huff and drink drives to his mums where he has a bedroom with an x box and everything. How hard is it just to meet someone on the same page as myself? Who just wants a happy functional family with healthy grown up time thrown in when the kids aren't looking x

11-22-2012, 04:02 PM
Btw I have had 2 glasses of wine whilst writing this, and doing the ironing too lol x

11-22-2012, 04:05 PM
Now that's multi tasking! I can't even frigging iron! lol

11-22-2012, 04:27 PM
What I would do for a partner who understands, I'm a pretty, intelligent and kind woman. I won't find someone on this site as we are all in the same boat, I'm just glad that I'm a great Mum to my kids. I hope I never get to the point where I'm not a good Mum, maybe I'll get to be a recluse but never a bad mum x