View Full Version : Day 14 on 10mg of Lexapro - I want to increase to 15mg

11-18-2012, 08:46 PM
Hi all,
I'm having no side effects now and I am less anxious so I know it's working. However I still have some symptoms.
I want to go up to 15mg now as I'm obviously tolerating this medicine well and have some benefit already.
My doctor wants me to wait and will review me in 2 weeks.
I'm not satisfied with being a bit better, I want to be A LOT better, as in healthy, well and happy.
I've sniffed freedom and I want MORE!
Ok, so I'm obviously impatient lol.
I have a doctor looking after me, not a psychiatrist so she isn't a specialist.
Is this as good as it's going to get on 10mg or will I continue to improve as it builds up in my system?
Is it worth waiting another 2 weeks when I'm stable on 10mg?
I want to feel the full benefit of this medication and live an anxiety free life, I deserve it, I've suffered long enough!
PS..I will not increase without doc approval but maybe you all could help me come up with what to say to her so she'll allow me to increase sooner...
Thoughts, comments, advice appreciated, thanks

11-19-2012, 06:34 AM
Give it more time as it takes at least 6 weeks to see full benefits. Sometimes more. It took a few months for prozac to work fully for me so it's best to wait here. Besides with a dose increase you may see side effects without much improvement in anxiety. Hold at 10mg for at least 2 more weeks or better yet a month. Just my opinion here. Alankay.

11-20-2012, 03:29 AM
I am not a doc, but pretty much most agree that waiting is the thing to do.

If it helps, i too am very impatient, by the 3rd week on lexi i started to feel even better. Of course, im pretty anxious this early AM (hence me posting at 0500!)

Hang in there and keep us posted.

11-20-2012, 04:09 AM
The rate of your dosage also depends on of you have taken any other kinds of medication in the last few months. If you have taken antidepressants or any other kind of medicine that might 'clash' with the Lexapro, it's important to go up slowly.

I was able to bump up to maximum dose on Lexapro (after being on maximum Zoloft and above maximum Effexor and peaking on both) in just a fortnight because it wouldn't mess with the withdraw of Effexor, but it didn't do me any good. Headaches and nausea made the night sweats from Effexor seem like a pleasant side effect!!

It seems that more and more doctors in Aus are prescribing Lexapro now, so just keep following doctors orders. I had to take it for eight weeks to see if the side effects would stop before I could change to my current medication.

11-20-2012, 02:26 PM
Thanks all, I think I've "flat lined" at 10mg, there was/is some improvement and then it's stopped at that level and no further improvement. Some weird/unexpected changes have occured - like I no longer care about alcohol and I've suddenly stopped needing to be fully made up before I leave the house, more relaxed socially which is nice. However still anxious/avoidant re work and driving, they are the big ones. So I am going to be at my most persuasive when I see my doc in a week ;) *flutters eyelashes* lol

11-20-2012, 06:40 PM
Forwells, you're right I didn't want to hear that lol but I get what you are saying.
I want to face things, just want to have less symptoms to deal with while doing so.
I want nirvana which is to me FULL remission, at the moment I have partial response to my AD.
10mg is only a low dose and I'll gradually go up and the plan is to face more and do more while symptoms are reduced and create new habits and lifestyle :)