View Full Version : Middle of the night anxiety.

11-17-2012, 05:08 PM
I seem to be waking up a lot in the middle of the night to my heart racing. It is causing me a lot of problems, and causing a lot of stress. I have no trouble getting to sleep initially, its when I wake up a couple hours later...

Does anyone else have this problem? I wondered if anyone had any ideas I could try when waking up to this to maybe make it less traumatic.

Right now I just put a movie back on and try to breathe through it.

I don't want to keep expecting it to happen, because that might make it worse but at the same time, maybe if I am more prepared, maybe it wont be so horrible...

11-17-2012, 06:24 PM
It was happening to me for a while. I would start listening to my husband sleeping next to me, listen to his breathing, and start to mimic it...and before I know it, I have fallen back to sleep. Oh, and cammomile tea helps a lot as well.