View Full Version : advice

09-04-2005, 09:21 AM
Hello. I thought I would include a little more information this time. I'm 40, married have two children. I spent alot of years in the military I run and workout quite a bit, don't smoke and recently had chest pains went to the hospital and they put a stent in one of my arteries. Even though the doctor said it was hereditary alot of the blockage came from years and years of stress and letting little thing upset me.
I finally went to a therapist and have now been in two sessions. I knew I had an anxiety problem for years, but it has gotten worse according to my wife, family, and friends. Now it's effecting my health one of the things I always prided myself with was having good health. I am just tired of being worried about everything; going out in public, what people think of me, driving (road rage) the world events just about everything. I'm becoming obsessive complusive (I check eveything, windows, doors, etc;) and I can't sleep.
This is hard for me especially because some of my friends were Marines like me and consider this a weakness they believe we're supposed to uphold this tough guy no feelings image. Well, besides some of the things I saw while I served, being this tough guy and someone who doesn't let problems get to him, are the reasons for my my stress and anxiety. I don't care about any of that now what is important is living the rest of my life better than I am now for my family and me. I don't know how to do this by myself.

09-04-2005, 10:12 AM
Anxiety is a medical condition. It has nothing to do with being "tough".

Are you still in the Marines? If so, you can get free therapy from Navy doctors. Since you just started therapy, you need to be patient. These emotional conditions cannot be cured overnight.

I found that trying to help myself is very effective. I suggest you do some research on anxiety on the Internet. You might also try a book called "Feeling Good", by Dr. David Burns.

I know how you feel. I've suffered from anxiety and depression for over 20 years off and on. I was a US Navy Officer and it caused me problems, too. You're not alone.