View Full Version : People Who Have Cured Anxiety

04-20-2007, 04:27 PM
This isn't for anyone who took medication to get rid of anxiety. If it was prescribed to you at some point, it's ok. But I'm more interested in people who had anxiety, and no longer have anxiety/panic attacks/outbreaks/symptoms. What did you do to cure yourself, or what did someone you know do? Maybe this thread can help as a reference to people who are looking for their own cure. Obviously, anyone with anxiety must want it to go away at any cost. Thanks in advance for your help!

04-21-2007, 05:48 AM
There's probably thouands out there. Even in the States there probably are. I didn't think my anxiety would ever go away, but it did. You just have to know where to look for ex-sufferers. I didn't know where. But Charles Linden, Tamina Woelk & me are 3 people, so there must be more!

04-22-2007, 03:37 PM
I know there are programs out there to rid all you have to do is just do them. I did a program and Im not really anxious at least not as bad as I was I really good at talking with people I go to college and have friends n stuff but I just hate speeches. i take inderal before speeches so i can of course get an A and not be bothered by my nerves but other than speeches im not really anxious to talk to people and never had panic attacks my friend has panic attacks and takes meds. Good Luck just do a program

04-22-2007, 05:31 PM
hi ojala

I am alot better than I used to be but I still get anxiety. I can live a "normal" life now, but it isnt that the anxiety has gone away, its simply that I understand it and have learned to live with it. When major things happen in my life it comes back, but it is nowhere near as bad as it used to be. Use of CBT has helped but also relaxation and breathing techniques have worked wonders for me.

04-27-2007, 09:18 AM
I use to have unpleasnat anxieties, that make me so emotional and worry all the time...What actually helped me to overcome it, is that my love to Essential Oils...It really helped me and I dont need to take any medications at all..For taking medication for me is not good. It gives me stomach upsets all the time..All I do is use this essential oil by defusing it or by rubbing it on my skin..And right now, I've been sharing this to some friends of mine who has a friend or who is suffering anxiety.

04-27-2007, 07:19 PM
I used to have severe anxiety and panic attacks which limited my life a great deal. I am still prone to anxiety but am so much better and function normally most of the time. I still have a couple of things I am working on which have become more like phobias because they are things I started to avoid when I was at my most severe.

I work with a naturopath and much of what has helped me is diet related. Years of being stressed out really did a number on my adrenal glands so she has helped me change my diet and take supplements that have helped them heal. I avoid caffeine, sugar and processed foods. I drink plenty of water and try to get regular exercise (walking). I also found a spiritual path that made sense to me. I found that prayer and meditation work wonders to calm my mind and that having a connection to a power outside of myself allows me to let go of the things that used to worry me and make me obsess.

If you would like more specifics, feel free to PM me.