View Full Version : Confused after napping

11-14-2012, 02:27 PM
Hey all

iv suffered from anxiety for almost two years now, some periods are good, some are not so good
but one thing that i have found since my anxiety started was the feeling of anxiety,depression and confusion after waking from a nap

i cant recall this happening before my anxiety started so im sure if some thing to do with it

it dosnt happen all the time but it does happen more often than not
it can happen after a 5 minute nap or after an hours nap

i will wake up feeling very confused and heavy
then sadness will come on an then resulting in anxiousness

i was just wondering if this happens to anyone else, or if anyone knows what causes it or if it has a technical term


11-14-2012, 02:55 PM
That happens to me alot.... I wake up confused n anxious. It's a horrible feelin, but someone jus told me the other day its kinda like your bodies jump starting itself and can be alil shocking to the system of people who r already anxious. And that made me feel alil better to know. Hope it helps you too....

11-14-2012, 02:56 PM
I can totally relate. I stopped napping becauuse everytime I doze off I wake in full blown panic... heart racing... shortness of breath... confusion as to where I am and the time and everything. And I also feel like I'm not physically here... I hate it :/

11-14-2012, 03:04 PM
When my anxiety is bad as it is at the moment I get a lot of what you have all described every morning when I wake its a horrible ordeal to go through. Il wake up in the night sweating badly and then pass out tired then in the morning with the alarm my heart is racing and I sometimes have the shakes :(

11-14-2012, 05:24 PM
Yeah, it don't think there is a name for it, it is almost as if adrenaline is coursing through me. My heart races out of my chest, I have no idea where I am sometimes, and I have trouble catching my breath. I have no real idea what it is from, I have even brought it up to a doctor who was clueless, but know that you are not alone. As others have said, I have stopped napping because of this too. I pretty much have to go to sleep at the same time every night and awake at the same time everyday so that it doesn't catch me off-guard. I am currently taking a blood pressure medication at bedtime which helps with the frequent awakening. Good Luck, I know it's horrible...

11-14-2012, 05:49 PM

You're depressed / down / nothing to look forward to / in the dumps / feeling lonely.

The heaviness you feel is typical of a wave of depression through your body, which signifies & is transient of a feeling of despair.
Like - there's nothing to live for.


Often we awake from naps feeling like shit. We're groggy and our body struggles to wake up.
Little wonder that this groggy feeling causes further anxiety and general shittiness.

You know what, rather than take a nap when you feel like it... go for a LONG walk instead.
I know it's difficult finding the motivation but the result should be rewarding.

You'll also sleep better at night time.