View Full Version : Probiotics Help Anxiety

11-14-2012, 02:11 AM
I have been researching probiotics because I have had a long history of stomach issues. Anyways I came across A TON of information about the brain/gut connection. Apparently the majority of your serotonin is actually in your stomach. Probiotics have been shown to reduce anxiety, depression, and other issues. Here is just one article talking about anxiety and probiotics.


Either way any doctor will tell you probiotics are great for your health in so many ways. If you are interested I already did most of the leg work as far as finding a good product. You can get these all over but this site has a TON of reviews you can check out. Amazon also has a bunch of good detailed review. Hope this helps someone and if you have had experiences with probiotics please share :)


11-14-2012, 02:33 AM
I suffer with GAD and also stomach problems which I'm sure are related.

Spent £££ on various probiotic supplements and none helped me.

Be careful as you will find many websites that claim miracle cures with very expensive probiotics which are obviously scams.

Having said that I hope there is some truth in it..

11-14-2012, 03:59 AM
I always wanted to try probiotics just to see if it made a difference in my feeling of well-being and such. A bit too spendy for me atm though until I pay off a few of my current debts. I've read about them and it seems interesting. Didn't know it may help anxiety though