View Full Version : advice?

11-11-2012, 06:55 AM
Right. When I first got anxiety a few months ago I joined a gym and went every day, I loved it and always felt better afterwards..
But then I started to feel really faint after I'd been.
So stopped going for a while, during this break I saw an anxiety councillor, told her why I'd stopped going and she told me I can't go again because of my eating phobia she was worried I'd collapse..
I've noticed a huge dip in my moods since stopping exercise so asked my cbt therapist if I could start exercising again he said no aswell n that its not safe -_-
I was thinking of just getting a bike and doing a bit on that? Not pushing myself of anything but just enough to keep me happy?
I really want to do something to boost my moods and have wanted a bike for ages, what do you think? I hate sitting about all day with a bike I could break my day up abit? Its not like I'm doing miles on a treadmill!
So listen to their advice or do what I want?
Never know the more I exercise the more I might want to eat!

11-11-2012, 07:03 AM
Do you eat and drink prior to working out? For me if I don't I feel nauseous after. I would ask your doctor their opinion too. Working out is a great thing and I hope you can get back into it!

11-11-2012, 07:48 AM
Once you start eating healthy there's no reason why you can begin exercise.
I would start walking and work my way up.
Why not see a doctor and get an opinion.
