View Full Version : Help:(

11-10-2012, 09:25 AM
So I have been staying home from school for the past 2 weeks and it's because I've been throwing up, I went to my Doctor and she said that it's probably the new medication I started(lexi pro) the thing is I only took half a pill for 3 days so I should be fine now but the thing is because I have not had to go to school or do anything my anxiety Is getting worse and the only place I would really feel not anxious is in my room if I were in my computer. Today I woke up and started not to feel safe in my room anymore, like it wasn't the same as before. Does anybody know anything I can do to make myself feel at least a little but better or more comfortable in my room or something? Sorry to post something stupid but I just need people to talk to about it other than my mom and dad because they don't really help...

If anybody wants to talk on Kik about their anxiety my Kik is: sullya17

11-10-2012, 12:36 PM
Starting a new medication is rough. But you shouldn't be vomiting for a week! As far as feeling safe on your house, try some deep breathing exercises, or some other type of relaxation technique. I know the one thing that always helps me relax is a hot bubble bath.
Hope you start feeling better <3

11-10-2012, 01:18 PM
me too i stayed home from school for 2 months because i used to feel very sick and faintness whenever i go to school i used to only feel safe in my room too with my laptop,I Eventually failed. But am visiting a psychiatric soon Hope it helps me. maybe you should try psychiatry too

11-10-2012, 01:26 PM
Lexipro did not work for me, so my doctor switched me to Zoloft, which has been working fine for about 10 months now.

11-11-2012, 11:59 AM
I was on Zoloft first then I got switched to lexapro