View Full Version : Hi Im natalie and this is my story. Any help appreciated.

11-10-2012, 07:14 AM
Ive always had anxiety. Diagnosed with GAD and mild OCD. I am seeing a therapist because I didn't want to be on prescription but he is not helping.

He basically told me to remember its all in my mind, and to do breathing exercises, and it doesn't work for me. If anyone has severe GAD they know exactly what I mean.

I had a full blown panic attack five days ago, went to the ER, had to be sedated and IV'd because my heart rate was too high.
I was vomiting and shaking and sweating. The ER doc sent me off with five days worth of .5mg klonopin, and I've taken it three times a day and I just took my last one. The past five days have been amazing. I have felt well...like a normal person. I fell asleep and woke up, like a normal person (given any other anxiety filled day it would take me three hours to fall asleep laying in bed worrying, then I'd wake up every hour in a cold sweat.)

I have such bad anxiety again knowing that my medication is done and I have to go back to square one tomorrow. The therapist doesn't work for me.

Can anyone relate, and if so do you have some tips for the time being to help me until I switch from a therapist to a psychologist who will possibly prescribe me some help?

My anxiety is extreme, and my panic attacks are explosive. I really need a miracle :(

11-10-2012, 09:48 AM
I know what you feel like!! I've been there! But honestly what you therapist is telling you is correct! This may be quite controversial but it only my opinion, to me meds are a mask! I have been working now for 12 months on breathing my anxiety and I've done it med free, because I worry that on tablets I would over come it sooner but would then have to get of the meds too!! Honestly you need to do some research and get some books on anxiety and panic. Until you understand the condition and accept your symptoms, you won't overcome it!! I tried to fight against it for so long and it just gets worse. I hope you will look into some books, and good look with you therapy