View Full Version : Anxiety and heart palpitations a side effect of Prilosec

04-15-2007, 04:06 PM
Man, I thought I was nuts - did you know that Prilosec (over the counter hearburn medication) can cause anxiety? Check out what people are reporting! The forum won't let me post the URL here, so go to askapatient(dot com), type in prilosec, then click on "view ratings". Search the page for how many times anxiety is mentioned! Many report heart palpitations as well.

I have bad reflux, but don't like to take medicine every day, so I just take a Prilosec now and again. Heartburn's been worse lately, so I've started taking it every day. Yeah, I have problems with anxiety and depression, but suddenly, and for no reason, I'm having worsening anxiety getting close to panic - pressure in my head, ringing in my ears, stomachs in a knot, short of breath and heart palpitations (unusual for me). This happened another time a couple months back when I had also started taking the Prilosec daily - so I decided to look it up.

Just had to let everyone know about it in case anyone else is experiencing the same thing - maybe without realizing it. Any one taking Prilosec should take this seriously!