View Full Version : Chamomile tea

10-30-2012, 01:52 PM
I honestly recommend chamomile tea to everybody ! It helps so much with anxiety in fact it puts me to sleep !

10-30-2012, 01:53 PM
I usually drink a cup at night....helps me sleep too.

10-30-2012, 01:57 PM
Me too I drink a cup every night before bed its amazing ! X

10-30-2012, 06:22 PM
Green tea is good too, it's a natural stress reliever. Probably not good before bed though because its also a little energizing.

10-30-2012, 10:06 PM
Wish it worked for me. I drink like 8 cups (basically whenever I feel thirsty I put a tea bag in my water bottle and drink it)

I can honestly say that for me, I haven't felt any effects...good or bad from it.

11-02-2012, 05:31 AM
Worked for me once after a night of panic, never helped again after that.