View Full Version : Anxiety Compounding

04-14-2007, 07:02 AM

I'm a first time poster :)

I guess I'm here because I need some help.

Over the last six years my anxiety is getting worse and worse.
I'm a terrible picker of my skin and I go through real bouts of it. Does anyone else have this problem? God I have done it since I've been 14 and I just can't or don't want to control it. When I'm doing it I'm almost in a trance like state, so I don't even feel anything or consciously know I'm doing it. I have been know to do it for two hours.

Anyway, my anxiety has multiplied into other areas, like I get anxious when I need to talk to people on the phone, mostly people in high authority.

I have a real problem with with people that are in high authority, when I'm around these type of people I just freeze and I want to run away as fast as I can. This has really started to have an impact for me, especially because at the moment I am looking for work. I can't express myself clearly enough in interviews, which I know people will say is pretty normal, but I stutter and can't think of words and then I think of simpler words to replace the words that I have just began to speak about.

This is another thing that I have noticed become worse in the last year or two. I'm stuttering my words around people I'm not comfortable around, because I think I can't pronounce the word, or that I don't have the right word, so I pause and think of a new word. Which makes me look really silly.

Now I'm a designer (and I know I'm quite a good one) and I need to be able to convey my thoughts to people who are interviewing. So what's happening is that I'm not able to convey my thoughts and so I'm losing out on jobs, even though my works great - doesn't matter, I need to be able to communicate clearly, which I'm not doing at the moment.

This is where I'm starting to get really down with myself. I can just see myself working as a cleaner, because I so full of anxiety that I can't cope with the pressures of high paced, powerful jobs.

I'm also very anxious about writing. I personally feel I can't write very well. I'm fine with conversational type writing, but anything to do with letters, coverletters, reports, scripts etc I freak out about. I can spend a whole day on a cover letter and not get very far. I just get so frutrated with myself, that I can't clearly convey what I want to write, or express my sentences in a proffesional, clear way.

I'm also confused to what I actually have, is at anxiety, add, depression.

The reason why I say ADD, is that I am terribly messy. Like awful can't see my floor in my house or in my car. I'm not very organised at all. I'm also always very fugitive, like I have can't stay in the one place for too long. Though I wonder if these symtoms could be more linked with anxiety. I'm sometimes am not sure what's the right diagnosis for me. I don't get major physical symptoms, like not being able to breath, feel ill, sweat etc I do get migraines though, when stressed.

I guess the major thing that is worrying me at the moment is the interviews. I have an interview on Monday at a place I really want to work at and I don't want to botch it up. What's making me more anxious is that my friend actually got me the interview and might even be in the interview room and for him to see me stuttter and not being able to express myself clearly will be so embarrassing. What can I do?

I did take Effexor about 6 years ago for a month or so and it really helped me. At the time it was taken for my anxiety and also I was depressed. The depression has lifted since then and never has come back, but the anxiety after going off the effexor was a lot worse. After going off Effexor I realized I became a lot more messier, than before I was on it. Is this common, to get worse symptoms after going off Effexor? So now I'm definetly contemplating going back on an anxiety pill. It's just all getting a bit too much for me, and my confidence is going down the gurgler.

I'm not understanding where I get all these fears from. My life growing up wasn't too bad, I don't remember anything too unusual about my life. I know I was a fairly sensitive child. My parents did argue a lot and I absolutely hated it, and the feelings that I got inside me when they fought is the same feeling I get when I'm in an interview or if someone is rude to me.

There are other things, that helped elevate my anxiety in my 20's like my dad being diagnosed with bipolar and acting like a psyco (after being such a normal father).

So what should I do? Do you think I should ask to go back on meds? Have they helped you a lot. I know when I was on Effexor, I was much more neater and organised and wasn't so anxious and worried. It just kind of made me switch off, which was what I didn't like. But now I'm getting quite concerned with all the anxiety issues becoming worse and worse, that I think I need to bite the bullet.

What's you thoughts?