View Full Version : How I overcame the biggest step

10-29-2012, 01:17 PM
It's not about controlling the symptoms, rather your response to the symptoms. Fear creates the panic that comes from the symptoms of anxiety. The goal is to eliminate the fear response. The symptoms come from adrenaline and some unknown reaction in the nervous system.

Accept the feelings, but don't react to them.

You almost have to arrive at the point of saying if I die then I die, and let the anxiety do what it wants.

Once you control your reaction and response, anxiety is almost beat.


10-29-2012, 05:31 PM
Here here!

My fear response to symptoms used to immediately throw me into panic.
Not just any old panic... OH NO... I mean; truly believing that I'm about to die type panic.

This was completely out of my control and totally automatic.
No rationality, no second thoughts, no reasoning, nothing... I just fell into the deep, dark pit of terror every god-forsaken time.

This is where panic disorder gets its reputation, strength & recognition.
It's a very serious disorder... one which can change a person in an instant and last for many, many years if not treated accordingly.