View Full Version : Celexa

10-26-2012, 06:36 PM
Hello there,

I started taking Celexa 3 days ago for my anxiety issues (primarily obsessing over dying). I'm currently on 10mg but supposed to double it tomorrow night. I was glancing at other people's reactions to it and came across one post about Celexa being related to heart problems. Seeing as one of my primary anxiety triggers is my heart, you can imagine I'm a little wigged out now.

One of my common problems is heart palpitations and racing heart out of no where.

Last night at 2am I woke up and felt okay but when I laid back down I noticed my heart racing. Soon I felt sweats and cold/clammy stuff. I jumped out of bed and felt like I was going to pass out. My hearing seemed off when my husband was trying to talk to me and I felt like it was really the end. After about 10 minutes I was curled up on the couch watching a movie... so I guess it was just anxiety?

Another thing I keep thinking about is that I was on Celexa 5 years ago. I'm fearfully wondering if thats why I have palpitations now and why my heart pounds out of control.

Any words of wisdom from anyone experienced would be great.


10-27-2012, 07:19 AM
True there was some wish washy science on high dose celexa(over 40mg) and lexepro(over 20mg) but I've never heard much after the initial media excitement(the media must have "a story" and feel like they are "saving" people). I would have no trouble with normal dose celexa/lexapro at all IF it's helping you. If not, another ssri might be better and not have any "background" for cardio risk like zoloft or the one I use, prozac. Yes, when first starting they can make you more anxious but I have found that IF that happens in a few weeks things get better. They take time to work. Docs say 6 weeks but I think they take months for full effect because they help you unlearn fears because you dwell on things less and this part takes time. PM me any time . Alankay

10-28-2012, 09:06 PM
I appreciate your reply. I am continuing to obsess over it being a "danger" somehow and ended up losing a ton of sleep last night because I felt the need to keep checking my pulse. :/ I was supposed to increase the 10mg to 20mg last night but chickened out. I'm supposed to follow up with the doctor in a week so I imagine I'll ask her if there is something else I can try unless I find myself calming down before then.
