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10-26-2012, 05:53 AM
My nerves are that bad ATM that even the post dropping through the letter box has just made me jump out of my skin !!!

I get seriously angry with myself

10-26-2012, 08:28 AM
I could ask u why, but i dont think u would have wrote on here if u knew that!!
What else has been going on in your life at the moment?
And i really hope that doest sound to lame!!

10-26-2012, 09:01 AM
Amongst other things, anxiety puts us in a hyper sensitive state to our surroundings... including our sense of sound, sight, smells, taste & touch.

You're in a state of fear... kinda like hiding from someone in a dark house, listening out for sounds and looking for movement... and then suddenly you get a
"BOOOOOO!" in the ear.


Someone once said on this forum that having anxiety is like having an anti-superhero skillset (which actually cracked me up!)where although our physical & mental abilities are boosted, they actually work against us since half of our brain knows we're ok, yet the other is freaking.
This contensious state of being is very difficult to live with. In effect, we're fighting with our own brains.

10-26-2012, 11:46 AM
I also get hyper-sensitive, and so easily overwhelmed, plus I get really impatient with myself since I don't seem to be able to control it.

10-26-2012, 01:23 PM
I also get hyper-sensitive, and so easily overwhelmed, plus I get really impatient with myself since I don't seem to be able to control it.

It also happens to me whenever I get mad. I don't think I need anger management, but I noticed recently when I get mad I just want to break something, cry for no reason, and then I feel short of breath as if I was a fish out of the bowl left to die. Someone suggested that since I also run from time to time when I just cannot stand being around the person I'm angry at and/or the situation I could have asthma- I only run a few blocks before I feel dizzy and cold air burns my throat like stuck jalapeņo seeds in my throat and vapor rub.

10-26-2012, 01:33 PM
Amongst other things, anxiety puts us in a hyper sensitive state to our surroundings... including our sense of sound, sight, smells, taste & touch.

You're in a state of fear... kinda like hiding from someone in a dark house, listening out for sounds and looking for movement... and then suddenly you get a
"BOOOOOO!" in the ear.


Someone once said on this forum that having anxiety is like having an anti-superhero skillset (which actually cracked me up!)where although our physical & mental abilities are boosted, they actually work against us since half of our brain knows we're ok, yet the other is freaking.
This contensious state of being is very difficult to live with. In effect, we're fighting with our own brains.

This is so true. In fact it's the reason why I feel worse than a child at Halloween. Anything easily scares me; loud noises in particular make me jump and hyperventilate as if I was running for my life from a bear.

I also cannot stand watching horror. The least realistic abnormal experience I see puts me in a state of constant awareness as I leave the scene. Recently, this last three months I keep seeing someone watch me sleep. It stands beside my bed just watching. My senses, indeed become super-active. I feel trapped in my own room. It so bad at times I stay-up to sleep in the daytime; which is having a real toll on my body and schoolwork.
Though I try to keep myself busy, I feel stacked by my own anxiety lurking behind my shoulder.

10-27-2012, 06:06 AM
Wow , I didn't know others felt like me in this way , it is of some comfort to know its not just me that is hyper sensitive .
Dazza :- What you say makes perfect sense :-)

It's very frustrating , I feel worse than a child , every little thing makes me jump & like others I can not watch horror movies it is impossible for me !!

I also think that I see things out of the corner of my eye & look again & of course there is nothing there !!
This symptom if anxiety is enough to make you feel like you are going round the bend , let alone all the other shit we face on a daily basis !!

I wonder what it's like to feel " normal" ???

Not to feel constantly on edge , not to feel scared ,frustrated , angry , tense, emotional , ... I'd give anything to just feel like "myself" & feel contented & happy & care free !!

I feel like I want to crawl out of my own skin & body & escape this horrible feeling that consumes me every day . It's not the real me & I don't like the person I am , so I pull away from everyone to save them from being around me & my problems . I don't want them to suffer "me"
As I am at the moment

Thanks for all the reply's guys

Jessy x