View Full Version : Anxiety or a bug !!!?

10-26-2012, 02:19 AM
This is really annoying me now.
Last weekend I had a really bad cold, it lasted until the Monday. Since Sunday night I have been feeling short of breath, I have to yawn and sigh a lot to get my breath back! Today I have had to run to the toilet with a bad stomach, I have got an awful headache and I have woke up with a slight sore throat again! My boyfriend who I was with at the weekend has all these symptoms too, short of breath, upset stomach etc I'm just wanting to know is this my anxiety or can a cold bug make you short of breath! I've had it all week it's so annoying!!!!

10-26-2012, 02:56 AM
Probably both.

The change of UK season seems to unearth some pretty nasty bugs.
Our office is filled with sickies... coughing... sicking... sneezing and so on.

My other 'arf even woke up with Pink Eye this morning! (bacteria in the eye... makes it go pink and sore / may need antibiotics)

If symptoms persist... go visit docs (which I know you LOVE doing, lol)

10-26-2012, 03:10 AM
Thanks for that information! I think it's a bug, and my anxiety is making it worse! It's just weird how my boyfriend has the same thing! X

10-26-2012, 03:41 AM
Anxiety loves pain & suffering - it feeds / lives / thrives on it.

So, if the b/f's got the same then we can pretty much conclude it's a bug you're both sharing.

If he gave it to you then give him a slap... if you gave it to him then just say "because I love you I wanted to share..." lol

10-26-2012, 04:32 AM
I went to the doctors last night told them about my short of breath, and they said well your respiratory rate is fine. Checked my temperature and let me go!! I was so mad !!
Yes well I think it's a bug because I've got very bad sinus head ache and pain in face, can't even talk without getting out of breath sometimes it's awful!