View Full Version : just read something that has made my day so much easier.. might help someone else to

10-26-2012, 01:41 AM
I bought a new book yesterday called 'at last a life' by paul david..
Basically he's a man that suffered with anxiety for ten years before coming across what he believes is the cure..
When I read this I instantly felt better because it all made sense! I'll write some of it out for anyone that wants to know about it, he basically says the way to beat anxiety is to do nothing. Absolutely nothing, to stop looking for the cure because its not out there..
You have reached the point of suffering through too much stress or worry - that makes sense. But why does it continue?
The answer is because anxiety has then become your new problem and you now have something new to worry about. Just when your body needs a rest, it takes on more worrying thoughts and more stress about how you are feeling. What is wrong with me? Why do I feel like this? You may become bewildered and distressed and each day becomes a battle as you try to fight your way out of this hell. The extra stress makes you worry and fight more.
He says that anxiety and all the symptoms are part of a tired mind. All the 'what ifs'. And 'what's wrong with mes' wears it out more. No wonder its worn out when its constantly worrying.
He says something about a broken leg that clicked with me, when you break your leg what do you do? Put it in a pot, rest it and let it heal. Why don't we do that with our nerves then? You don't say 'my leg hurts, I must stop it hurting' and then start running around in your mind everyday trying to think of a way to stop it hurting and tensing against the pain'
Thatt clicked with me, it might do someone else aswell!
Stop the fight, stop wondering about, stressing about it, your mind and bodys tired. It needs a break. Except its a tired mind and move on.. That's my plan, this ones going to work, I can feel it already. Hope this helps someone even though it just sounds like a ramble! LOL

10-26-2012, 02:22 AM
I'd like to hear more about this and more info on how I can get this book

10-26-2012, 02:30 AM
I'd like to hear more about this and more info on how I can get this book

More info. on how to get it?

Well, the general method is to search for it, find it and then buy it?

10-26-2012, 02:39 AM
Tell ya what... I'll search for you...




10-26-2012, 03:10 AM
I got mine off amazon lol its called at last a life by paul david, just type it in google and it should come up, I've only read a few pages and feel a lot better already :D
He suffered with depersonalisation which is the worst bit of anxiety for me, it explains that my brains basically just burnt out and needs resting, and with me constantly questioning it, thinking about it and searching for cures on how to fix it doesn't help, just keeps me trapped in the anxiety circle, so now everytime I feel panic coming on, or feel depersonalized I just tell myself 'this is the actions of a tired mind, don't fear it, let it happen, when I've rested my mind I'll get better' and that's what I'm choosing to believe :)

10-26-2012, 08:38 AM
I have just wrote the name of the book am looking forward to reading it. Thanks so much it sounds promising