View Full Version : Stressed out and worried, advice needed please

10-22-2012, 06:11 PM
Hi Everyone,

I have never considered doing anything like this before, joining a forum and discussing my issues.

this may be a slightly long post, but I would like to explain what has been happening to make me feel the way I have been feeling.

I am 38 yr old male, married, 2 beautiful daughters.

All this started when about 12 months ago I started haveing ectopic heart beats, and I ended up putting up with it for 6 months before I went to hospital.

After a this I was put on a Beta Blocker Medication, which after a couple of months of using I thought was the cause of my symptoms. I was getting constant headaches and dizziness. I went back to the Dr and decided to stop taking the medication to see of the dizziness stopped, as well as having my eyes tested, and after both of these my symptoms still exist.

I became tense and had a stiff neck, and one day was massaging my neck and found a marble size lump in the lower left had side of neck, not painful, rock hard, and immobile. I beacame worried. After months of worrying, I went back to Dr who exmined the lump and said it was nothing to be concerned about. He did blood tests for a number of things including thyroid function and all was fine. I asked about the continuous other symtoms of the dizziness and headaches, he said it may be anxiety due to worrying about the lump in my neck. He said to go away and stress less, and if symptoms are still there in 2 months come back and see him. It has been 2 weeks, if he believes the lmp is nothing to worry about then ok, but these other symtoms are still here.

My symtoms at the moment are

pressure behind eyes sometimes
pressure in chest and lungs feel funny

I am convinced I have something seriously wrong which is effecting more and more parts of my body. I have lived inside this body for 38 years and know when something is not right, and something is not right, I believe there is something more serious involved but no one else believes me. I am convinced I have not got long to live, because the longer it takes to find out whats wrong the worse it will get.

Someone else mentioned anxiety, but I dont believe something like that could make me feel so unwell. I am usually a very happy person, and would never think of anything bad, but the last 6 months has almost brought me to the point of losing it, and ending it.

My life is just starting to come good, but my wife believes I am a hypochondriac, and has been ready to leave me, because I have been unpleasant to live with. I have been angry and short tempered becuase I have not been feeling well.

Your experiences and replies would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


10-22-2012, 06:53 PM
It's surprising how unwell anxiety can make a person feel - symptoms of ongoing anxiety do in fact include headaches and dizziness. I understand exactly how you feel - I remember suffering from dizziness and slight vertigo and not believing that it could just be related to my anxiety problems but it turned out to be exactly the case (I spent so long researching it and worrying about it). It sounds as if you are constantly worrying about your health and developing a serious illness and this has put you in a constant state of anxiety which could be causing your symptoms. Also, the mind is amazingly complicated and powerful and if you continuously think about whether you are feeling pressure behind your eyes or chest etc. your mind can create the illusion of these symptoms. I would take reassurance from what your doctor has said - a medical professional thinks that you are fine. Stress and fear can bring you low but you're not alone in your anxiety! :)

dan 79
10-22-2012, 07:15 PM
Hey bud that is def anxiety. I would try talking to your dr about a relaxing medication. I can tell from experience exercise does help a lot. I should take my own advise hang in there I hope this helps.

10-22-2012, 07:26 PM
You can get a second opinion.

Afterwards if they find nothing. Then accept it until you know otherwise, and begin the road of recovery in anxiety.

Acceptance is the key here.

Hang in there,

10-22-2012, 09:20 PM
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the reply.

What i dont understand is why my neck is so tight and cracks now, it never used to.

I am also taking 6-8 panadol a day for my headaches, which I dont like doing.

This is my second opinion and they have both said there is nothing wrong, I just cant believe it.

I am not myself, I am angry and short tempered and i dont like being like this.

10-24-2012, 01:37 PM
I woke up this morning with a headache, which I seem to be doing every day. I am going to lose my shit pretty soon. I have had enough.

I guarantee in just over a month when I am due to see the doctor again, he will do scans and find something serious. As I said in earlier post, I don't believe anxiety could make someone feel the way I am, there has to be something more.

And I really don't think the lump in my neck is nothing to worry about either as they have suggested ,I am over it all.

10-24-2012, 10:58 PM
Is there really a lump in your neck? If there is a doc should determine what it is but anxiety can do many things such as play tricks with your mind. If you listen it's still your mind , and that makes it you. When anxiety takes control of you it can be a horrible experience with the worrying and the what if thoughts. First thing I recommend for you to do is see a doctor to get physically checked out. If your doctor says your perfectly healthy then you should believe them. Then from there is figuring out what is your trigger since everybody have different triggers. If you already know your triggers then let me know and we can go from there.

10-25-2012, 12:44 AM
Hey Jim-bob.

I have very similar symptoms other than the lump and I have generalized anxiety. Headaches, neck aches, dizziness. If you think your doctor is wrong go to another one. Also read the stickies tab and click the symptoms conversation. It might help.

10-25-2012, 09:11 AM
I think vitamins and a lot of exercise helps with the dizziness headache neck tense . When the fight or flight response is triggered our body is burning up everything . This is why we feel weak after an attack. Daily vitamins work good. But getting involve in some daily sports or going to the gym for a daily workout works even better. We all know the hardest part is going or trying something new and the high expectation of being cured right away. That's not the case. Go look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you will get better, your going to do what ever it takes to get better and tell yourself I believe I'm better, I know I'm better and smile and say I do feel better.

It might sound dumb to some of you but that is an exercise to help build self confidences.

10-26-2012, 06:50 PM
Anxiety really is dreadful feeling and only sufferers understand! When someone who diet have them says I know how you feel your just stressed they are lying! I know that right now but may seem like there is something terribly wrong but buyout doctor says your ok! Then you are OK!! I suffer with terrible headaches and tension behind the eyes and have done for months If we had a Tumour I'm sure the docs would have found it by now! The headaches are caused by tension, and you may think your not tense but it can be something as simple as clenching your jaw in your sleep! Don't look up symptoms on the Internet and instead look at self help CBT for anxiety! In terms of how your wife is treating you, I'm really sorry to hear that! You should sit her down and tell her exactly how you feeling! I would recommend looking up I live panic attacks in YouTube! He's a great guy and really explains what your body is going through. Show this to you wife and maybe she will understand and support you through this difficult time. Good luck

10-26-2012, 07:16 PM
Hi Jim,

I know how it feels to want answers but not get them. I have had heart palpitations for over a year now and have done several tests that all came back normal. Although I try to find reassurance that I am okay, all it takes is a string of palpitations (like I am experiencing even right now) and I feel hopeless and fearful for my life.

I have also suffered severe heartburn for the last 5 months which has no answers either. Like you I feel determined that I am dying. I have an appt with a specialist in a month and feel certain she/he will find tumors. I have already told my husband where I want my ashes scattered and am beginning to throw my hands up and accept it.

I always come back to the ray of hope though. The "What if this is all in my brain?" "What if I CAN walk away from this?"

I'm not sure if my post will be helpful to you at all. I mostly just wanted you to know that you are not alone. I just joined this forum today hoping to meet people who are going through similar things.

I hope that what you are going through is just anxiety. I hope its the same for me too.

:) Take care.

10-26-2012, 10:20 PM
I was just told I had a abnormal ECG with inverted t waves? Have you been through this as well? I'm afraid for my life. I've been having palps for roughly 4 months now. Worried I have something like ischemia. Need some help please !!

10-28-2012, 07:22 PM
HI all,

thanks again for the responses.


there is definately a lump in my neck, I made the doctor feel it, at first he was not pressing hard enough, but i then held his finger and pushed it and made sure he felt it, he still tells me its nothing to worry about but i am unsure, i will wait the 2 months and go and have scans in the middle of december to confirm.


I have been getting "drop beats" ectopic beats with my heart, nothing to be concerned about, appaently alot of people get them, but only a small number of people feel them happen. I am not worried about them at all, I am more worried about the lump in my neck.

On the weekend I had funny feelings and pressure, which felt like in my lungs, on Saturday I honestly thought I was about to die. I just want scans done to ensure all is good, once I have them done, if it shows nothing, I will not stress about it anymore. I would like head, neck and chest x-rays done to be sure.