View Full Version : I am going to shoot myself

10-20-2012, 12:44 AM
I can not take it any longer. I'm 43 years old and I've had these stupid fucking panic attacks for 15 years of my life....almost one third of my pathetic existence. I don't know what else to do...I'm sick of taking ativan, I'm exhausted from the constant fear and I feel as though my life is a waste of time.

10-20-2012, 01:05 AM
So don't take medication anymore. It can make you feel very alive and give you a sense of mental accomplishment when you get through panic by yourself. It's not fun, but it is what it is and hey, I'd rather experience anxiety and joy and a multitude of other emotions and LIFE than be dead and feel nothing - let alone destroy the lives of people who love me. I know it sucks and it hurts and it's exhausting, but just let go and try to accept it. Take the bad with the good and maybe you'll start feeling better. Anxiety is a part of you. Accept it and try to have a happy life. Much love.

10-20-2012, 01:06 AM
I can not take it any longer. I'm 43 years old and I've had these stupid fucking panic attacks for 15 years of my life....almost one third of my pathetic existence. I don't know what else to do...I'm sick of taking ativan, I'm exhausted from the constant fear and I feel as though my life is a waste of time.

Death is no the answer! Don't even entertain this idea. You'd be much better off turning this all into a game of facing all your fears than shooting yourself. You probably need some medication adjustment and/or take some proper supplements and do some techniques you haven't done. I promise you, that you have not done everything you can do. I have listed many things above that I am sure you have not tried.
Call this Crisis Hotline: 1-866-427-4747

But please promise all of us that you will not harm yourself.
Call 9-11 if you need to. Call a psychologist or psychiatrist Immediately! You need to call one of these things right now! There is much love for you in this world if you can open up to it. Don't give up!

10-20-2012, 01:32 AM
No ones life is a waste of time. Think of how your family would feel if you weren't around.

10-20-2012, 05:43 AM
Yeah, please don't do anything to harm yourself. It's hard, we know, it's VERY hard. Panic is a hard thing to deal with, but dying is not the way out. So many have cured this, it just takes time and the right treatment. Our lives can be normal again, we can be happy again, we can enjoy this amazing life again. Please call that hotline or talk to a psychologist or psychiatrist quickly. Nobody will look down on you for having had entertained the idea, it happens, but making the choice to live is what people will cheer for. We with anxiety and panic attacks can grow stronger than those without it because we've endured this hell. We've looked fear in the face and stood our ground. You just have to give it another chance, the doctors will try their hardest to find a treatment that works for you since the other one didn't work.

Don't give up :[

10-21-2012, 05:43 AM
I can not take it any longer. I'm 43 years old and I've had these stupid fucking panic attacks for 15 years of my life....almost one third of my pathetic existence. I don't know what else to do...I'm sick of taking ativan, I'm exhausted from the constant fear and I feel as though my life is a waste of time.

15 years!!!!!!!!!!??

FUCK... no wonder you're pissed off. I had it 10 months and felt like banging my head on the wall some days.

What measures have you tried to help yourself, out of interest?

10-22-2012, 12:42 AM
Daniel call that hotline and call your doctor. You need to start doing new techniques you haven't done yet. I'm very sorry you have gone through this. I cured my anxiety, panic and agoraphobia and I am not more special than you. If I can do it then you can do it. Don't look back. Only look forward. But call the Crisis Hotline and your doctor and get a psychologist/psychiatrist appointment ASAP and tell them everything you are feeling. DO NOT HARM YOURSELF IN ANY WAY! TRUST ME!!!

10-23-2012, 08:08 PM
Please give us an update. How are you?

10-23-2012, 11:26 PM
don't. find something to live for. just live for the heck of it. buy all your favorite things, sit in your living room and watch happy movies, eat ice cream, put on a comfy sweater and take a walk. write poetry, sing out loud .do something that makes you happy. make cookies, do something kind for a stranger everyday. panic attacks aren't easy to live with, but you can overcome it. find a better place, I know you can. your life is worth living.

10-24-2012, 04:56 PM
>buy all your favorite things, sit in your living room and watch happy movies, eat ice cream, put on a comfy sweater and take a walk. write poetry, sing out loud .do something that makes you happy. make cookies, do something kind for a stranger everyday

Ok, I tried this tonight...

Here are my favourite things I bought:
Ferrari 355 Spider, a Lambourgini Diablo, a mansion with indoor swimming pool & a yatch.

I'm now £5,000,000 down.

I sat in my living room and watched the inbetweeners 16 times.

I ate 10 Kg of Ben & Jerrys and feel violently sick.

I put on my big, hairy comfy sweater... but it tickled my neck and made me hot & sweaty, so I took it off again.

I can't write poetry. You have to have long hair and wear leather-patched corduroy jackets & trousers to be able to write poetry.

I sang out loud but my voice is awful... I did manage to scare next doors cat off my front lawn though.

Something that makes me happy... errrmmmm... can't say without offending viewers.

I can't make cookies. I'm a man. Men don't make cookies.

Do something kind for a stranger? Ut uh... mummy told me never to talk to strangers.

Thanks for the advice! :-D

10-24-2012, 11:33 PM
I hope he posts soon.

Dazza... lmao!! I love reading your posts.