View Full Version : constant pain and fear of the worst

10-19-2012, 09:53 PM
Let me start with say that I am a recover opioid user of about a year. I am 3 months clean and i feel as if this all started from moving away from that. I have had multiple symptoms that have come and gone and changed to others. The ones i have been experiencing over the last month are. upper back shoulder and neck pain/tension, chronic tension headaches, digestive problems (stomach constantly making noise), sweating when sleeping or just siting doing nothing. I sleep but its the worst sleep i have ever had, i stay in bed for up to 12-13 hours trying to get something out of it and i wake feeling worse then when i fell asleep. also clench my teeth when sleeping. All this wrapped up has my mind in a panic and i constantly feel like there is something wrong with me, i think about it all day every day. i have been to the doctor and hospital many times worrying about my health and have had blood tests and even a CAT scan and everything has come back normal. My doctor has put me on Celexa and motoprolol ( my heart rate was fast), i have been on them for almost a month now and haven't had any change in symptoms accept a more regular heart rate. The longer this goes on the more hope i feel i have lost and the more i get depressed, i don't know what to do anymore i have no energy to get anything done i rarely leave the house im in constant pain physically and mentally. If any one out there has felt this before and knows of anything i can do to help my self it would greatly be appreciated. Thank you

10-19-2012, 10:54 PM
Maybe celexa isn't the drug for you. Tell ur doc it isn't working.

10-20-2012, 11:00 PM
What's your dose on celexa? I usedto be on it about 2.5 years ago. Eventually I ended up at 40mg/day. 20mg wasn't cutting it.

Was off meds for a year and lately my panic attacks came back. 4 days at 10mg celexa, started today at 20mg. I see myself going back to 40mg. I'm also taking 1mg Ativan tablets if I have an attack until the 2 weak period of waiting on celexa.

If your not at 40mg a day that could be where you need to be???

12-22-2012, 01:36 AM
I too live with constant pain, lower back ache I have a Headache 24/7 and have for nearly the last 3 years straight I also get tight shoulders and neck muscles I have dizziness,giddyness poor balance upset stomach nausea low appetite Tiredness, Wake up feeling unrefreshed Its hard every day is a struggle
My only advice would be to get a book Im reading called "Hope and Help for Your nerves" Claire Weekes its a good read as to Why nervous illness (anxiety) makes us feel so ill and symtomatic!!

12-22-2012, 08:23 AM
I have heard so many good things about the book and people who have read it. I have to get it. I went to books a million and they did not have it so I am going to try another book store.