View Full Version : Scared to go to the dentist

10-19-2012, 02:12 AM
Ok so I know most people probably are right, i for one am terrified. Every time I go there's always some pain involved or come back next week for some pain! I went 6 months ago to have two cavities filled but they were so deep even with two injections it still hurt so i got temporary fillings put in and I have to go back today for round two and I am SHITTING myself. I would cancel but I'm scared of getting an infection in my jaw bone or some shit! I know I should of looked after my teeth better but wahhh :( I just hope I don't have a PA in the waiting room! Someone lend me a Valium!! lol!

10-19-2012, 02:35 AM
They dont do gas I dont think, just jab a needle in ya.
"you numb yet?"
"good let's begin!" LOL

10-19-2012, 03:33 AM
If you're that anxious the dentist should actually give you that Valium... Nothing good comes from physical suffering...

10-19-2012, 03:37 AM
Really? I wanna go to your dentist! Lol

10-19-2012, 05:12 AM
No one likes dentists, least of all overly anxious folk.

Fortunately I've always looked after my knashers... so I've had very little work done.

Your teeth are an important part of your image. Nasty knashers = not a good look, and the possibility of dog poo breath.

The worst part is the needle coming toward you... the anticipation... is it gonna hurt? is it gonna hit a nerve & have you leaping out your seat?

I've heard about a new method of administering aneasthetic... a clip that clips onto your lip. Completely painless!

Good luck!

10-19-2012, 05:19 AM
I don't mind the needle so much. It's that feckin drill and the sucky thing in your gob I hate. I had to have two teeth out a few years ago thankfully they sent me to the hospital for general anaesthetic, I quite liked that, felt giddy when I came round. I'm scared I'm gonna need root canal, not had one of them fuckers yet. My appointment is at 2... Absolutely bricking it!

10-19-2012, 05:53 AM
I'm always anxious when going to the dentist.
My dentist knows I suffer from Anxiety and Panic Attacks , so he's really good with me.
3 months ago I had to have a bottom wisdom tooth removed,gave me 1 jab then started could still feel some pain , after a 2nd jab all I could feel was a little pressure..
I had some discomfort for a few days after,but nothing too bad.
I'd much rather have a tooth removed than be banging my head against a wall with a bloody toothache.
Anticipation is always the worst!!

10-19-2012, 05:59 AM
I only went cos I thought i had an infection (which I didn't) but she was like yeh u need 4 fillings! Arghgghh! This will be the first time
I've been to the dentist after having a few panic attacks.. Perhaps I should inform her of this lol

10-19-2012, 06:51 AM
I'm on the brink of tears now Omg! Feel sick :(

10-19-2012, 07:32 AM
Everything a ok for any1 that cares lol

10-19-2012, 02:42 PM
I can't stand that drill either and I don't mind the injections. I had perfect teeth, I'm 23 and would rather get a tooth pulled then a fricken filling lol!! u can't tell.. but Yeah I can't stand the dentist either... "the drill"

10-19-2012, 02:54 PM
**shudder** I don't have to go back for 6 months yay! I'd only rather have a tooth pulled if I was unconscious, I've never had one extracted while awake, I think if I saw the tooth as they removed it from my mouth I'd pass out or be sick. I had to have some teeth out when I was about 5, they tried to put this gas mask on me and I kicked and screamed, they had to hold me down and jabbed this thing in my hand which put me to sleep and I awoke with a mouthful of blood so I guess that explains my fear of the dentist! LOL

10-19-2012, 04:51 PM
Good to hear it went ok for ya, J.
I hate the dentist too. But, the dentist I go to is very gentle and professional just good at what he does. Dentists go to him to have work done on them. He takes everything into account before going to work on ya - even my anxiety. He puts on my favorite movies on when I go in, helps me relax a bit. Also is very funny, helps ease any nervousness before the work is done.

Mouthful of blood when waking up? Oh boy that would scare the hell out of me. I need to have my wisdom teeth torn out soon :[ I'm holding out as long as I can... Everyone I know tells me that it's the worst pain they've ever experienced in their life. I am scared of waking up during the operation like my brother did. However, when I had my appendix out not long ago, I was asleep for the whole thing from the anethesia. and the way they gave it to me was awesome. Had the IV in my arm, and the guy (Who i didn't even know was the anesthesiologist) stuck the needle in the IV and said "Here's something to relax ya a bit" next thing I know I was waking up and asked the nurse next to me "So are you guys gunna operate on me yet or what?" because I didn't even know I was out. :P

I hope its the same way for the wisdom teeth ! I'd be scared of the gas mask thing. blehhh..

10-19-2012, 05:08 PM
Yeah I had some teeth out a few years ago and I got the IV in the hand, guy said it'll make you feel a bit drunk and it did haha! And when I came round I felt great! lol Thanks Ace :) How was your holiday in Japan? You back in the US now?

10-19-2012, 05:33 PM
Yep back in the U.S. and oooooh man. It was amazing. Just amazing. I miss it already with every fiber of my being. Seeing my family there, and catching up. Met a nice japanese girl, well actually quite a few but only one who I really enjoyed getting to know. Went to a hot spring resort about an hour train ride from my hotel. So awesome. They had these different baths - one was a coffee bath which was literally a bath of coffee, wine bath, green tea bath, sake bath, charcoal baths, collagen skin beauty bath, and even a little pool where these strange species of fish ate the dead skin off your feet ( o.O )

Also went to the more traditional hot springs too which was quite an experience. But yeah, I miss it already. The people of Japan are so respectful and polite I didn't see a spec of graffiti, litter or anything on the streets of that huge city. The store owners take great pride in presentation and do everything to make you as the customer feel special for example, at a McDonalds the girl who took my order (Which was one cheeseburger) was very polite and they made the burger so perfectly making sure it wasn't too greasy or too whatever, wrapped it slowly and put the napkins on the tray perfectly straight, and bowed when she handed the tray to me. Was a HUGE shock when I got back to the U.S. haha. Ordered same thing at the airport in L.A. and the lady grunted as she took my order and they slopped the burger together threw a few napkins on the tray and she slid the tray across to me saying "heres ya go" while making this bored face and chewing gum and snapping it.

Haha, also here in america when I walked across the street (When the walking sign just turns to red when your half across) when a car was coming got honked at for five seconds, flipped the bird and called a "Stupid ass mofo", in Japan I was in the same situation but the driver smiled, laughed and waved to me then bowed his head when driving past. very unluckily dropped a 10,000 yen bill by accident (roughly $100 equivelent) in the train station, a man ran all the way to my platform up a flight of stairs to return it to me. Was just shocked by that... If you ever get the chance to go there, it's just WOW. :P

10-19-2012, 05:42 PM
Wow not many people would do that! Though I have to say I thought everywhere I went to in California everyone was so happy and pleasant. FREE refills!? You have to pay for yer fukin
Ketchup at mcdonalds here. I guess most British people r miserable bastards though. If some stranger here says hey how are you I'm like totally shocked n suspicious. Haha

10-19-2012, 05:47 PM
And yeh you only get like 3 secs to cross the road in America what's with that! lol

10-19-2012, 06:00 PM
Haha, same here but depends where ya go I guess and not everyone is a mean bastard. Just hate it when you say hi to somebody just to be friendly and they're all like "who the fuck are you?". *sigh* smh

I like the free refills, but to be honest >.> I think we could do without it...as well as super sizing and all that. xD In japan you get infinite refills of this delicious green tea at most restaurants that is unlike any I've ever tasted. It's so good I bought like a bunch of boxes of it to bring home. Much healthier, and you can get water if you want a cold drink. It's what I just went with most of the time. Except... There is Melon flavored soda there that you can't get in the U.S. or atleast where I am that is just YUM. :D

10-19-2012, 07:30 PM
Trust me I tried to get them to sedate me but they won't do that here in nz. It's good u got it over and done with! :)