View Full Version : Chest pain arm pain!

10-18-2012, 11:48 AM
I have been feelig i cant breath good like my throat closes up my chest and my left arm hurt. My back hurt i dont know what to think anymore. Is scary thing to not be able to go out and enjoy life i freak out about almost everything. I try to relax but is hard my nerves get caught up and thats wen i feel a panic attack coming. Is hard when people dont understan what im going through. Any advice? Thanks :)

10-18-2012, 12:53 PM
I have these symptoms every day! It's so annoying and scary! Chest pain from shoulder to top of stomach 24/7 x Nothin to worry about x

10-18-2012, 02:50 PM
People that havent experienced this will never understand just how scary it is. but we understand :)
i get the exact same thing. i barely leave my room. just to go to work. i've got no social life whatsoever. i'm in constant pain.. constantly worrying about every little thing. it's hard but you gotta change the way your mind thinks. re-program it. you can feel good for days at a time and then bam! you have a panic attack and you fall back down. the trick is not to let that set you back again. stay strong and breathe through your stomach when u feel like u cant breathe.

10-18-2012, 11:20 PM
Thank nicole and vonn. Yes i really need to change the way i think. Sometimes i feel great and the next day i feel sick. My husband says why is their always sumthing wrong with you? Like almost everyday u have sumthing. Im like is not cause i want attention trust me if i felt good i would never act like im sick. The only thing i want is not to feel panic attacks or anxiety.

10-19-2012, 12:42 AM
Thank nicole and vonn. Yes i really need to change the way i think. Sometimes i feel great and the next day i feel sick. My husband says why is their always sumthing wrong with you? Like almost everyday u have sumthing. Im like is not cause i want attention trust me if i felt good i would never act like im sick. The only thing i want is not to feel panic attacks or anxiety.

These all-too-common anxiety symptoms are a direct result of stress & often - unhappiness.

Have you sat down and thought about what's actually bugging you / making you unhappy / stressing you?
If not, then you need to. Then you can look at addressing it/them.

Answer me... are you happy with life? if not, why not? (for your own benefit - be absolutely honest)

10-19-2012, 12:01 PM
Im happy with life. The only thing that stresses me out is how my family dosent understand me. They think im lazy and always sick. I have 2 little ones that i love and cause of them im happy but from their what my family think of me and wen they start teling me stuff thats wen i get nervous and stressed.