View Full Version : Chest pains

10-17-2012, 04:55 AM
What does everyone's chest pains feel like?
Is it normal to be in the middle of your chest?
Mine hknestly feel like cardiac pains :(

10-17-2012, 07:03 AM
What does everyone's chest pains feel like?
Is it normal to be in the middle of your chest?
Mine hknestly feel like cardiac pains :(

How do you know? Have you experienced a cardiac arrest?

10-17-2012, 08:01 AM
No but google says cardiac pains are in the middle of your chest, and mine are in the middle sometimes! It's just scary!

10-17-2012, 09:12 AM
Nicole, any pain or impression from your chin to your belly-button can be cardiac based. Why don't you articulate your fears to us? Tell us what you fear most! Get it outt of your chest!!!

10-17-2012, 10:03 AM
I know that it can be, but I'm 15 years old and very anxious and scared!
The pain usually starts under my breasts in my 2 rib areas, it then goes around into my sides in my rib still. It then goes into my 2 arms and from the top of my back to my waist.. The arm and back pain feels like very bad muscle ache, like the feeling when you have done a few hours in the gym or working out! It then can go in the middle of my chest under my breasts where my ribs meet, and again it's like a muscle pain it's painful but not uncontrollably bad!! It then can go into my shoulders that too just feels like bad muscle ache!! .. Does anyone else get this ?? :s

10-17-2012, 10:42 AM
Yes , it's anxiety Hun , at times it feels like you've been hit by a bus. If it was cardiac related the symptoms would go beyond aching muscles. It's tension , anxiety is very physical , Christ , I've had 3 EKG's in the last year , all came back normal. If your worried go and see your doctor , just to put your mind at rest really. Are you taking meds.??

10-17-2012, 10:49 AM
Thank you very much for your help,
It's sometimes very hard to believe that it is just anxiety, and anxiety pains! Plus I'm only 15 years old so my chances of cardiac pains should be very very slim! I've bad 4 egc's in the past 4 months and everyone have them have been normal! I'm getting a 24hour EGC on November 1st just to be on the safe side! I have been to doctors they don't really sympathise me, and when I tell them my symptoms they are just nodding their heads on anxiety! I'm only taking iberprufen at the moment, do you recommend anything else ? Any I can ask the doctor for? X

10-17-2012, 11:12 AM
First I'd recommend CBT ( Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) it's amazing how just talking to someone and getting things off your chest can make you feel 10 times better.. They help you change your mindset and how to deal with the invasive thoughts .Do you suffer from bad panic attacks ? Maybe a beta blocker like Propranalol could help. That's what I take and it's helped immensely. There's also SSRI's . They gradually train your brain to release seratonin (natural feel good drug). But I would first try a few self help activities. Things like an evening walk and listening to your favorite music , a hot bath and then putting a DVD on in bed.. Basically just relaxing. I know it's easier said than done but if you dwell on it and let it consume you it's hard to shake off. Surround yourself with your favorite people , book a trip to the cinema or even organize a trip out with your friends .. That gives you something to look forward to and stops anxiety manifesting it's self. Hope this helps. Trust me things will get better.x

10-17-2012, 11:23 AM
My doctor is sending me to a councillor, and to a place called calms that helps you be calm and everything so I should be getting transferred there soon enough! Ill see if that helps me! Talking to people helps me loads, even just for ten minutes disgusting my feelings with a friend or family member is really helpful. I've only had 4 pannick attacks durin the space of about 4 months, but I was getting a pannick attack about once a week! Now, because I can handle myself with them a bit more, I haven't had a pannick attack for about 3-4 weeks now!! So that's good, I do breathing techniques and relaxation in bed with music to help me that is really helpful I found out that it works! I don't really want to depend on any type of drug to make me feel better only myself can make me better and I will continue to do that! I just need to be strong! Even though it is easier said than done, it's very hard I constantly feel down and poorly!
I'd just like to say thank you very much for your support tonight :) x

10-17-2012, 11:35 AM
Your very welcome. And don't see drugs as a means to an end.. Use them as a support until you can cope a little better Hun .. Therapy will help you immensely , and one day you'll be able to raise a middle finger right into the face of anxiety and say 'fuck you ,you ain't controlling me'.. Hahaha.x

10-17-2012, 11:49 AM
That's what I need to do to anxiety! It's controlling my life! I sometimes daren't even go to school with it, I'm constantly crying etc ! I can't wait till I'm better, every little pain I fear the worst! It's just so scary with chest pains, and left arm pain! I always think the worst lol x

10-17-2012, 12:30 PM
That's what anxiety does , plays on your worst fears. But look at it this way. Your young and healthy and ( I assume ) your not an alcoholic or drug addict etc. The chances that you have a serious heart condition are very slim. Do you find that after talking to someone or after calming down these symptoms lessen a bit. If it was serious they wouldn't go and you would feel alot worse than you do. Trust me Hun , it's anxiety , it's scary and it feels like there's nothing you can do to feel normal again but in time with the right help you'll start getting back to your old self.x

10-17-2012, 12:34 PM
And ECG's are very accurate. Even if there was something very small wrong it would be picked up.x

10-17-2012, 12:43 PM
Yes it's on my mind 24/7, even when I'm trying to take my mind off something it's still playing in the back of my mind! The pains don't go away completely, but at times they do get a lot better! No I am healthy! I am 15, never took drugs in my life, used to smoke stopped for about 1 year now was more of a social smoker too. Yes it calms me down a lot speaking to someone, even speaking to the doctor I go home feeling 100%! Then the next day.,, bam :/ it's just really scary with me being so young going through this is very hard! And when I used to google symptoms (never do it!!!) everyone said I'm having a heart attack or something lol so I got that into my head! I just need to convince myself there's nothing else going on with me, which is hard to do at this age! Are you also a young sufferer? X

10-17-2012, 01:04 PM
Not quite. Haha. I'm 28 but I witnessed my little brother go through 3 years of anxiety when he was 13 , probably got it from me. He's ok now though.

10-17-2012, 01:07 PM
I can't wait to feel myself again! It's knocked my confidence, appetite, I can't sleep! I have lost 7pound in weight!

10-17-2012, 01:29 PM
I can't wait to feel myself again!

Ooooooooh behave! ;-)

10-17-2012, 01:31 PM
I lost 2 stone in 3 months because I wasnt eating.. But when I got my appetite back I ate like a horse. Haha. Also if you find yourself struggling to get to sleep or wake up in the middle of the night worrying about things , I've managed to teach myself a little trick that works. First , lie down on your back and rest your hands on your stomach , then tell yourself that no matter how many worries you have , there's nothing you can do to solve them at this moment in time. So its pointless dwelling on them. Breath deeply and listen to your breaths , controlled breathing , in then out etc. Then picture yourself surrounded by family , friends on holiday somewhere you've always wanted to go. But concentrate on your breathing. In through the nose , out through the mouth. Trust me it works.x

10-17-2012, 01:35 PM
Just when you think your giving some sound advice... Dazza has to be inappropriate .. Hahaha .

10-17-2012, 01:35 PM
I totally agree to your technique!! If you have a iPhone you can download some apps from the App Store that are really good! If you have a iPhone type in the search bar on App Store 'anxiety' or, 'breathing' or, 'calming' something along them lines and download a few different apps they are some really useful ones I put my headphones in on a night before bed and I do my breathing and relax with the calming music it's very good it helps loads! It has also reduced my pannick attacks a lot! X

10-17-2012, 01:36 PM
'Dazza' that is absolutely vile, if you want to talk like that I don't think a anxiety website will help...

10-17-2012, 01:49 PM
I've just downloaded the anxiety free app. It looks good. Also , try magnesium tablets Nicole. I've heard good things about them. Have a chat with your Doc about CBT , it will help alot. Msg me anytime if you need advice.x

10-17-2012, 01:56 PM
Download more than one app no harm in testing them all! There's calming music as such a a violin playing, play that sound it makes you drift to sleep! It honestly helps me so much! Thank you very much for your support tonight, thank you! If you ever need a chat just message me, even send me a personal message I'm always online :) good luck hope your feeling better soon it's hell x

10-17-2012, 02:41 PM
Your welcome Hun. I watched my little bro go through this shit . As you get older it gets a bit easier to handle (in my opinion) but I can't imagine what it's like coping with it a such a young age (it didn't affect me till I was 22) But what I can tell you Is that if you want it , you will defeat it. Your stronger than you realize. I bet your feeling a bit better now. Haha.x

10-17-2012, 03:21 PM
'Dazza' that is absolutely vile, if you want to talk like that I don't think a anxiety website will help...

Wasn't meant to be vile me old love... it was MEANT to be amusing.

Just because you're...

nauseous / de-personalized / light-headed / feeling sick / have jelly legs / riddled with pain / heart is racing / heart is skipping beats / your face is flushed / you fear having a shower / you fear going to bed / you fear people / you fear crowded places / your neck aches / you have random numbness / you have random tingling or 'buzzing' / you can't breath / you have an apparent lump in your throat / you can't eat / you can't sleep / you can't drive...

... doesn't mean you can't smile from time to time

Anyhoo... what's all this about a heart attack at age 15, huh?

Heart attacks mainly occur for the following reasons:

1/ You have a congenital defect of the heart or vascular system (e.g. an abnormal heart murmur - normally from birth)
This is picked up through a stethoscope and ECG

2/ You have a disease which affects the welfare of the heart (e.g. diabetes / liver or lung problem)
Assume your blood has been thoroughly checked?

3/ Your arteries are blocked / you have a clot
This would also be picked up by ECG (detection of weak signals)

4/ You are very old & your organs are worn out
Clearly not the case

5/ You have seriously abused & damaged your body through drugs / alcohol / smoking / junk food / no exercise
A healthy (normal) human heart is TOUGH & is designed to last (as are ALL our organs). It can sustain a huge amount of abuse before it gives up.

6/ Severe fright
Very, VERY rare. Essentially, the fright causes a brief moment of shock to the brain... enough for it to lose control of our bodily functions.

7/ Heart ache
It's been known for people to die through "heart ache", such as a devastating break-up.
The heart is said to swell, which causes failure.
Also extremely rare & more common in the elderly or otherwise vulnerable, rather than the fit / young.

The above aside, chest & arm (mainly left) pains are one, if not THE most common transient pains of elevated anxiety / fight or flight.
The most common cause is adrenlin, tensing or hardening the muscles.
Tension is caused by fear / stress / anxiety and can act on the muscles instantaneously. The effects can last for hours.

Do you stress about anything in particular? are you aware that you stress of anything in particular?
When did these pains start? Do you have them the second you wake up?

10-17-2012, 04:25 PM
She's 15 .. That wasn't having a laugh Dazza.!!

10-17-2012, 04:50 PM
Oh please! Let's not persecute good old dazz for having a laugh.

No one got hurt!!!! =)

10-17-2012, 05:07 PM
Again , she's 15 not 25.. How do you know that comment didnt bother her.?

10-17-2012, 07:22 PM
Quit whining... im 15 half the shit dazz says to me is worse than this.. do I care? nope.

10-17-2012, 07:25 PM
anyway.. coming from someone your age, i can say my chest pains are unbearable.. Sometimes I just sleep them off, even if im at school.. Mine spread all throughout my chest.. left pectoral, center, and right. sharp pains at that.. like getting stabbed (yes I know what that feels like)

its all part of anxiety, you just need to live with it...
and stop googling stuff... makes it worse.

10-17-2012, 11:17 PM
I knew dazza would make that comment as soon as I read those words. Lol!

10-18-2012, 12:55 AM
OOps... I didn't mean to cause a stir.

My sense of humour isn't to everyone's taste... I know that.

I'm EXACTLY the same in real life. I ALWAYS see / hear the funny / crude side of just about everything... it's who I am / what I do.
I have similar minded people in stitches of laughter. I have disimilar minded people looking very uncomfortable with some remarks.
That's just life.

For example, I could be sitting in an important meeting at work... together with the director and other high-end personel.
Someone might say something like "Slide it into the slot...", which will guarantee to put a "try to hide" grin on my face, and in some cases (depending on the general mood of the group) I will actually say something, lol... can't help it.

One of the funniest moments of my life involved a gigantic fart in a public toilet at university while studying for my electronics degree.
A friend and I happened to go for a number 2 at the same time. While sitting there in neighbouring cubicals, the toilet was filling with students + tutors and I just couldn't miss this opportunity to make my mate (Dave) laugh.
I said "Dave... I've got a fart", leaned over and let the biggest trump you've ever heard out. Amplified by the toilet... this was a monster.
Dave nearly fell off his toilet in laughter. In fact, everyone in the toilet was cracking up...
Jeez that was funny.


It's a similar situation to that of comedians. There are very crude types and passive types. It's up to the audience who choose to see / hear them... but of course forum users don't have this choice.
With this in mind, I can only apologise to those who don't share my inherent sense of humour & will try to tailor my responses accordingly.
Difficult though, since I might be humouresly responding to someone I feel may appreciate it, yet, everyone else will also be reading it.

Perhaps such comments are below the belt on this forum, however, it's sometimes hard having to change the way I want to naturally respond to various posts.
Having suffered out-of-control anxiety / panic attacks / heart attack fear / some terrifying symptoms over the past 10 months myself, one of the most important issues for me was losing my sense of humour / who I am. I desperately wanted this back more than anything.

The fact I do have ME back is testament that we can recover from this hideous disorder - keep this in mind! :-)

In this case, some will be struggling with the fact the lass in question is 15. To be honest, I didn't even see that, but if I did, I would have still considered writing the same... not because I wanted to offend or shock the poster, but just because it's me. It's me writing my silly stuff and nothing more.

Phil... you're 28, nearly double her age. You are calling her "Hun" and posting kisses. One could argue this was innapropriate?
(I'm not saying it is... but there's an argument there all the same)
It's all down to interpretation.

Again, apologies... I'll try to "curb" it appropriately.

10-18-2012, 01:36 AM
Would just like to thank everyone for their kind posts! I had bad pains all over my body last night, and I have woke up feeling no pain! Sill 10% aching but I'm so much better! I'm just too much of a paranoid person I always think the worst when I'm bad! I just need to drill into my head that it is anxiety!! Which obviously, I find hard to do! Hopefully calms and a councillor will help me! I would just like to thank everyone a lot for your kind comments sorry I haven't had time to answer everyone's questions what yous have asked me! X