View Full Version : My life is so hard....

10-15-2012, 07:53 AM
Anxiety has ruined my life, im 21, and I have these constant symptoms, dizziness, really hard to concentrated, im really bummed all the time.. cold sweat sometime, head pressure, twitching.... its been like this for nearly a year now, I stopped my ADs cause they werent helping, i dont know what to do anymore, I feel like I will stay like this for the rest of my life. My head hasnt been clear for a long time, and it is totally exhausting... I just want to sleep all the time because Im super tired all the time of these head symptoms.

Alcohol makes things even worse... but I need to live and party, its all I care about really...

Alcohol strenghtens the symptoms for a long time while nicotine, especially SNUS, reduces the symptoms for a few minutes....

I will go out and get totally drunk until I end up in a psychiatric hospital because AD's, not drinking, excersising... nothing has cured me.

The main problem I always worrying about is that are these symptoms purely anxiety or something else, but nothing else really makes any sense.... So I have come to the conclusion that it is anxiety, which is good but anxiety dont wanna fuck off...

I just hope I havent fucked up my brain chemistry completely with these ADs.... if not, I guess ADs should be out of my system completely in a few months

Ive been thinking about suicide a lot recently.

10-15-2012, 09:27 AM
Hey Skizo,
I just wanna say that alcohol may numb the pain and symptoms for a while but they wont make it better in the long run. I'm 22 and anxiety has pretty much ruined my life as well. i've had it for 4 years and this is the worst year of my life. one year of constant anxiety panic attack trips to the hospital blablabla. it's horrible i know. it won't get better unless you fully commit to it. take small steps. start off with a full health check-up and stop drinking. i highly recommend meditating and finding a healthy hobby.
It's absolute hell but i'm getting out of it. don't want to spend the rest of my life this way.

10-15-2012, 10:46 AM
I don't have panic attacks but my symptoms are constant and exhausting... its like chemical imbalance in my brain, my heads feels stuffed and dizzy and hard to concentrate all the time. I used to have panic attacks in the past tho but they weren't much of a problem, what I have is much worse I am completely unable to relax even for a second. The dizziness will never go away.

It doesn't work for me like this, I am mentally exhausted and I can't take this any more, I will go get pissed as hell and if it gets worse I will go check up in a psychiatric hospital and not give a shit any more.

Absolutely nothing helps against the main symptom - dizziness/unable to concentrate, the only thing that kind of relieves only for a few minutes is SNUS.

And even tho it is constant, I still think it is anxiety because it greatly varies in strength, so I don't think its a physical problem. But it never totally goes away and that is extremely exhausting. I can hardly remember what it feels like to have a clear head.

10-15-2012, 02:34 PM
i know what you mean my head is constantly buzzing and feels heavy and i get headaches regularly. sometimes i wish i could turn off my brain there's way too much going on. mental exhaustion is right. that's anxiety.
try meditating intensely. it clears the mind. it takes tons of patience though..

10-15-2012, 03:52 PM
man i dont know the first thing about meditating...

my head is foggy all the time

10-15-2012, 04:49 PM
Skizo - you sound like you're in a constant state of fight or flight.

All the symptoms but not necessarily anything obviously bugging you, right?

Trouble is, the danger processing part of the brain can become almost completely detached from your control. It essentially lives on it's own... doing it's own thing / wreaking havoc whenever it likes.

Starting from tomorrow, let's start to make some headway, yes?

I want you to do the following for me:

1. Book a councillor or preferably a cognetive therapist who is familiar with anxiety disorder
2. Book (another?) doctor appointment. When there, explain EVERYTHING. Get your vitals checked and ALSO check thyroid / vitamin levels / diabetes and ALL other major conditions which COULD account for your symptoms (I'm not saying it's any of these... I'm just giving you excuses to get tested and put your mind at rest)
3. Get yourself a bag of naturally calming goodies, such as i/ chamomile tea (tastes shit but bare with it) ii/ bachs rescue remedy and other natural substances which are endlessly listed on this forum (see stickies for examples)
4. Eat shit loads of fruit, veg and all things good for you. Cut the junk to a bare minimum
5. Stop consuming energy drinks / foods. Cut caffeine / chocolate altogether.
6. Go for a long, brisk walk each evening. The feeling of having done some exercise is good for your head & body.
7. If there's any around... go bathe in a jacouzzi for an hour (or even a hot bath)... just lay there... relax ALL your muscles and think of either NOTHING AT ALL or only good / funny stuff.
8. Try to get GOOD amounts of sleep. Lack of sleep can actually cause most of your symptoms!
9. Pay attention to your breathing. Try to breath deeper than normal as a habit... not just here and there

Will you do this for me? please?

10-15-2012, 07:49 PM
I know it seems impossible but there is a light at the end of this battle your fighting. What medications have you been on? It's possible that the doctors just haven't found the one that works best with your brain chemistry. Please don't give up just yet. I also think that all you rpartying could b making the situation a lot worse.

10-15-2012, 08:29 PM
Everything that dazza said is awesome. Every. Single. Thing.

10-16-2012, 06:15 AM
Dazza, I do most of these things already, I have an appointment a month from now, with my wack psychiatrist, I dont like/trust him at all....
Also, I don't drink energy drinks, but I do have beers occasionally... Also I dont drink coffe... but i do eat chocolate a lot..
Also I sleep a lot, actually too much.. I feel like I want to sleep all the time..
And my blood was checked a year ago and it was all in perfect condition.

Also I can tell you this started after drinking a few beers.... so the next day after drinking these beers I started having these feelings and they haven't gone away... for 10 months. I had been off the ADs a few months before that.
Its like the beers triggered something in my brain... because I had only a few beers and I wasnt really that drunk...

Before that last year I had other horrible symptoms and then the ADs helped. I started taking them after one day in august 2011, out of nowhere I had a mental breakdown, I had never experienced something like that before, my head got heavy and I though I had a stroke or something, and then I had a burning sensation on my forehead for a few weeks... that was unbearable. But then the ADs took away all the horrible symtoms, and I felt fine after 3 months of taking ads so I stopped taking them. and then this situation I am having now started in february after drinking a few beers only...

but this year ive been taking these ads for 8 months and they havent helped at all, so I quitted taking them .. I just hope these ADs havent caused some kind of permanent damage to my brain.

But this "fight or flight" state may be correct , I haven't though of that before myself but it kind of makes sense i guess, and it is very mentally exhausting...

Whenever I try to focus my sight it gets blurred and like I can't focus my vision it gets disturbed... its like my eyes want to move away from what I am trying to focus on , my head is really foggy all the time... sometimes when im trying to focus my sight on something, I start twitching all over my body... This dizziness/unable to concentrate feeling varies in strength... most of the time I am just unable to focus or concentrate my eyes on a single point, but sometimes it gets so strong that i feel dizzy. in general my head feels foggy and not clear, constantly.

10-16-2012, 02:40 PM
I was just playing basketball and i know this sounds weird buy my head felt....empty, complete emptiness in my head like some chemical is missing or has extremely low levels and it felt horrible... I just want this shit to end... cant go on living like this.

Im starting to think im cursed... all the shit in my life cant just happen randomly... its really like im being trolled by god or something.

10-16-2012, 03:01 PM
I eat vitamins, calcium, magnesium, I excersise, communicate with people, I don't drink a lot.......... Im doing all I can and nothing is helping. If I had a plug keeping my alive I would pull it because I believe in multiple lives anyway. The soull is immortal.

10-16-2012, 03:58 PM
I eat vitamins, calcium, magnesium, I excersise, communicate with people, I don't drink a lot.......... Im doing all I can and nothing is helping. If I had a plug keeping my alive I would pull it because I believe in multiple lives anyway. The soull is immortal.

Maybe theres something physically wrong with you - go get checked for EVERYTHING to rule this out. Seriously... this is step 1/


If nothing wrong then go get your mental illness properly diagnosed

The above is your starting point. We'll take it from there...

10-16-2012, 04:01 PM
I eat vitamins, calcium, magnesium, I excersise, communicate with people, I don't drink a lot.......... Im doing all I can and nothing is helping. If I had a plug keeping my alive I would pull it because I believe in multiple lives anyway. The soull is immortal.

Forget about multiple lives. No actual or scientific evidence to suggest this whacky theory. Assume you only live once. Gotta make some good of this life & not rely on fictional others...

10-17-2012, 03:34 AM
like what can be physically wrong with me? do you have any slightest idea at least? My blood was all fine, that got checked last year...

It's anxiety im pretty sure in that but it is very extreme.
Like I said I was just playing basketball and my head felt empty...

10-17-2012, 04:22 AM
Yes forwells I am a pretty anxious person... but ofcourse it is hard to accept because its making my life really hard...

10-18-2012, 05:34 AM
man I just had a couple of beers yesterday and I feel completely fked up right now :S ....... just like 2 beers wtf

And yeh I was anxious in general before too... and I stopped taking My AD's a week ago cuz they werent helping, so im not taking anything atm.

10-18-2012, 07:38 AM
i cant take it anymore..... so sick and tired of it. I wanna just die already.

10-18-2012, 07:40 AM
if a few beers fucks me up like this......... my brain chemistry must be fked up irrepairably.

10-18-2012, 10:45 AM
dizziness, unable to concentrate, head pressure...... all these symptoms are now stronger... :S god damn im so tired of this

10-18-2012, 10:49 AM
really what does a few beers do so much to my brain!? Its nothing! I was even drinking water in between and eating...

Its so exhausting you cant imagine....... im cursed.

10-18-2012, 10:59 AM
Maybe if you stop drinking beer for now, it might help with all the suffering youre having now.

10-18-2012, 11:45 AM
Its just a few beers + I was very cautious about my drinking.

And 1) I dont like reading books 2) Im not able to read books because of my difficulty to concentrate.

I dont care about all that really. All I want to know is what is going on in my brain, how can a few beers affect it so much and Have i caused irrepairable damage to my brain and should I kill myself or what? Does really nobody else have these symptoms I have?

10-18-2012, 11:55 AM
I can handle mental anxiety and I wouldn't post in this forum if I only had some kind of pseudo problems with mental anxiety , but I have horrible hellish physical symptoms that have completely drained and exhausted me. I want to be alive or die, not read books.

10-18-2012, 12:17 PM
All this crap shouldnt last so long...... a fkin year give me a break, why is suicide so damn hard? isnt there a painless and easy way?

10-18-2012, 12:22 PM
I guess I will have to check in to the psychiatric hospital.... never thought I could sink this low....+hospitals in my country are total shitholes.

10-18-2012, 12:30 PM
There is nothing wrong with admitting that you need help and going to a hospital. Please take care of yourself.

10-18-2012, 12:36 PM
You also said that you stopped taking ADs. That might be part of the issue. I do not think they have irreparably damaged your brain. I think that even if you didn't notice them working that they may have helped your brain chemistry and just stopping them completely made your symptoms worse. You might need to switch ads. It's possible that another one might work for you.

10-18-2012, 12:46 PM
Skizo, I just wrote a long story about my panick attacks and anxiety. It's a long post lol. But may help ya out. I know the feeling of "not being there in the head" I know it very well

10-18-2012, 12:52 PM
I dont give a shit about panic attacks, I have constant unable to concentrate and focus my eye sight... ITS FUKING CONSTANT!!! I would rather have a panic attack every single day than this.
my head feels foggy, not clear, not real feeling.... always.

10-18-2012, 12:58 PM
I understand how the physical symptoms can be more overwhelming than the mental ones. You can't will them away like you can the mental ones sometimes.

10-18-2012, 12:58 PM
i cant even fucking describe the feeling i have.... its just hard to concentrate and my head just isnt clear. And I feel anxious all the time too.

10-18-2012, 01:01 PM
It sounds like derealization to me. You need to find a good doctor. Sounds like the ones you've had in the past aren't that great. You need a good one so he can help you properly.

10-18-2012, 01:05 PM
I wouldn't say you would rather have a panick attack. I get what you have to the point it gives me a panick attack. I wouldn't wish one upon my worst enemy

10-18-2012, 01:15 PM
Yeah seriously though get a good doctor. They may be able to prescribe a medication more suited to you.

10-18-2012, 01:24 PM
Well said forwells.

10-18-2012, 01:42 PM
I stopped taking AD's because they werent helping....!! I feel the same as I was on AD's Im just completely fucked up for 8 months there has been no chance !!! its been constant for 8 months man and ADs did nothing at all I dont even know why i took them so long man im fucked up completely i wanna die..!
Im so exhausted and tired of it and nobody even understand what im feeling omg...

10-18-2012, 02:27 PM
man i just dont know what to do....... its extremely frustrating ...... 8 months without change!!! I feel like crying... i have lost hope...
There must be some irrepairable damage to my brain chemistry nothing else makes any sense!!! Why cant this nightmare just end...

10-18-2012, 02:36 PM
Alright I will stop drinking, smoking, eating junk.... I will completely stop all of that. and if that doesn't help either I don't know anymore.

10-18-2012, 02:59 PM
what are the chances that i have some irrepairable brain chemistry damage from ADs or beer??

10-20-2012, 05:52 PM
Man pls just tell me what do you think is wrong with me......... my head feels foggy, not clear, and impossible to concentrate my eyes...I have a few rare moments when my head feels clearer, but it is constant without any relief!

10-20-2012, 06:01 PM
No man i said ive had this for 8 months.... this is why i started taking the drugs and I stopped because they werent working! The ADs werent doing anything... And I took them way too long too.

Also I can say that when I do have the rare moment when my head feels clearer, then my head becomes heavy and I start twitching, Like my body is fighting against my head getting clear....

10-20-2012, 06:08 PM
nobody fking understands!

10-20-2012, 06:15 PM
I think what forwells is trying today is that even though you didn't notice a difference while taking the ads, your brain did. And all the symptoms you describe could be because your brain is adjusting to being without the ads. Although it totally sucks that you have to experience the bad part when the ads didn't make you feel any better first. It's kinda like being ripped off.

10-20-2012, 06:17 PM
Man I understand and accept the withdrawal symtoms... that is not the main problem... the problem is the ADs didnt fix the problem and its been like this for 8 months...

What else ive been doing... hmm ive been eating vitamins and calcium and magnesium and drinking green tea....

10-20-2012, 06:18 PM
THE ADS DID NOTHING, I FEEL THE SAME NOW AS I DID ON THE ADS.... Just a lil bit more anxious, but I understand that is a withdrawal symptom.

Also I am very irritable right now....

going to sleep now.

10-21-2012, 04:12 AM
Dazza, I do most of these things already, I have an appointment a month from now, with my wack psychiatrist, I dont like/trust him at all....
Also, I don't drink energy drinks, but I do have beers occasionally... Also I dont drink coffe... but i do eat chocolate a lot..
Also I sleep a lot, actually too much.. I feel like I want to sleep all the time..
And my blood was checked a year ago and it was all in perfect condition.

Also I can tell you this started after drinking a few beers.... so the next day after drinking these beers I started having these feelings and they haven't gone away... for 10 months. I had been off the ADs a few months before that.
Its like the beers triggered something in my brain... because I had only a few beers and I wasnt really that drunk...

Before that last year I had other horrible symptoms and then the ADs helped. I started taking them after one day in august 2011, out of nowhere I had a mental breakdown, I had never experienced something like that before, my head got heavy and I though I had a stroke or something, and then I had a burning sensation on my forehead for a few weeks... that was unbearable. But then the ADs took away all the horrible symtoms, and I felt fine after 3 months of taking ads so I stopped taking them. and then this situation I am having now started in february after drinking a few beers only...

but this year ive been taking these ads for 8 months and they havent helped at all, so I quitted taking them .. I just hope these ADs havent caused some kind of permanent damage to my brain.

But this "fight or flight" state may be correct , I haven't though of that before myself but it kind of makes sense i guess, and it is very mentally exhausting...

Whenever I try to focus my sight it gets blurred and like I can't focus my vision it gets disturbed... its like my eyes want to move away from what I am trying to focus on , my head is really foggy all the time... sometimes when im trying to focus my sight on something, I start twitching all over my body... This dizziness/unable to concentrate feeling varies in strength... most of the time I am just unable to focus or concentrate my eyes on a single point, but sometimes it gets so strong that i feel dizzy. in general my head feels foggy and not clear, constantly.

If you don't trust your psychiatrist then it's going no-where. GET ANOTHER ONE!
It's absolutely vital you go.

I'm now wondering whether you have Lyme disease. Where do you live?
PLEASE GET CHECKED OUT FOR LYME. I've been reading similar stories which turned out to be this.

Also wondering whether you had a reaction to something in the beer. The yeast?
You need to be checked out for allergies.

Your anxiety will be making things worse, but I'm thinking there's something else going on aswell as anxiety disorder.

10-21-2012, 04:22 AM
I have checked for lymes and I dont have it.... also I have been drinking a lot in my life before and without problems. Calm down please. Im not an idiot, I know most of the things you are telling me, problem is nobody understands me.

10-21-2012, 04:24 AM
I have checked for lymes and I dont have it.... also I have been drinking a lot in my life before and without problems. Calm down please. Im not an idiot, I know most of the things you are telling me, problem is nobody understands me.

I'm perfectly calm, thanks... it's YOU who isn't.
And don't be a knob - people are trying to help you.

Understands you??? how? in what way?
What is there to understand?

10-21-2012, 05:45 AM
Look, no matter what you think/don’t think is going on, you know that you are not going to solve it on this forum, everyone is just trying to help by providing support…not diagnose you.

IF… what you are going through IS anxiety, then YES, it is your THOUGHTS that exacerbate your symptoms. Your brain is constantly ticking and saying things like: What if I have permanently damaged my brain? All this crap shouldn’t last so long…Why can’t this nightmare just end?

These are textbook thoughts that perpetuate anxiety and often lead ppl into full-blown panic…that is just fact…The severity and intensity that you are thinking these things causes your symptoms to match that intensity. For example, If i get my classic anxiety sx of SOB (shortness of breath), but I remain calm, knowing what it is and that it cant hurt me, my panic stays at a manageable level. BUT if I start feeling the SOB, and then all of sudden think, "OMG I am dying", the SOB becomes 10x worse, matching the level of fear i have, and my head becomes dizzy, basically all the classic things. Its just how it is.

So IF…this is purely an anxiety disorder, then you need to try to relax because it is your thoughts that are causing problems. This is the definition of anxiety attack. You say its the drug, or beers or whatever, but really, its your FEAR about the beers or the ADs…Physical problems that are as acute as yours do not come about 12 hours after having 2 beers. You can yell and say that this is way off, but if it is, then its NOT just anxiety and I would seek attn right away…

You control your mind, and if you can no longer do that, even after much effort, then you NEED further psychiatric help. We all have anxiey issues here, so we all want to empathize and try to say something that may be helpful… FIRST AND FORMOST…you have to gain insight into your triggers, and this is something that cannot always be done alone.

10-21-2012, 06:30 AM
Well written, Bailey.

I like this bit in particular:

For example, If i get my classic anxiety sx of SOB (shortness of breath), but I remain calm, knowing what it is and that it cant hurt me, my panic stays at a manageable level. BUT if I start feeling the SOB, and then all of sudden think, "OMG I am dying", the SOB becomes 10x worse, matching the level of fear i have, and my head becomes dizzy, basically all the classic things. Its just how it is.

Through being able to control the "outer layer" of fear, I now live in a paradox world.
I get symptoms but I carry on regardless. I'm sometimes riddled with tension pains yet, I can still laugh.

This kinda equilibrium state of anxiety v's normality is somewhat concerning, however, in that I have absolutely no clue as to where things are going now.
Curing panic attacks is the easiest part. Preventing fight or flight is the hardest.

Lots of "stuff" going on in my life at the moment... expecting my first child / soon be moving house. I'm counting on these as being my current triggers and hope that once things are settled, I'll find the calm I need to pull the final, knock-out punch on my anxiety opponent.

10-21-2012, 04:49 PM
Skizo, my man I know exactly what your going through!! I have the same exact symptoms you have for about 9 months! It's hard for me to concentrate on one thing, head pressure/emptiness feeling! This weird dizziness feeling, I say weird because its not the same dizziness as you would get as a child when you spun around really fast, spaced out, headaches, heart palps, memory loss. I've been fighting this for awhile and I have the same mentality as you, (no one understands me, there is definitely something wrong with me, no one cares, I feel like death is knocking at the door, suicide)! I've gotten to the point where I binged drank vodka to the point of blacking out and vomiting all over myself in my sleep, thinking I'm going to be dead because there is something wrong with me and my brain won't handle all the alcohol! But guess what, I woke up with the biggest fucking hangover!

One day I was out hunting feeling like shit as usual and a deer came out and if you've ever hunted before you'd know that right before you pull that trigger, your heart will beat to the point of bursting. I thought about that after I missed that nice six point buck! I didn't understand what anxiety was until then, 9 months of feeling like shit and all it is my flight or fight response! I still feel like shit almost everyday but I've noticed it's getting a lot better when my way of thinking changed!

10-22-2012, 01:49 AM
Skizo- what is your food intake like? Do you eat comfort foods (fast food, chips, pop, ect) on a regular basis? I ask this because that was my diet for the past 5 yeArs, in which the past 5 years I've had extreme anxiety such as panic attacks, feeling of doom, heart pounding all that stuff. 2 months ago I switched my diet to only healthy foods cutting out grease, high fat foods, and sugar. I started eating veggies, fruits and low calorie fulfilling foods and drinks. Literally the day after I started this dramatic change in my diet I became COMPLETELY anxiety free (i wasnt even expecting it!! it was like all my prayers were answerede!!) They always say that it is an imbalance In your head, well it turns out it was all due to my diet and I fear many people are stuck On the idea that there is something mentally wrong with them (like I used to) that its hard to think it could be something else. I hope you find your cure soon also. And if you do eat a lot if bad food just try for one day eating raw veggies and fruits and see how huge of a difference it makes.

10-22-2012, 04:32 AM
Less gluten, more magnesium foods, no caffeine, no alcohol would be best to start with, although not everyone will be anxiety free once you start eating, it would be best to adapt to this healthy lifestyle, to bring back your confidence and confidence will lead every other things. Its like preparing your body for for a front battle.

10-24-2012, 01:32 PM
man ive tried everything im so exhausted and tired of it u cant image,... unable to concentrate , spaced out feeling, dizziness... all the time..... also anxiety and placebo affects...... the dizziness gets even stronger when im playing basketball or smth....


10-24-2012, 02:05 PM
I have had anxiety disorder for 10 years and never have I thought about taking my life because of it! You need to find something that calms you something will work you just have to figure out what it is. It sucks and is no fun but its never been bad enough I wanted to end my life and I have had some pretty shitty situations with it. With all do respect... Pull it together!!!

10-24-2012, 02:34 PM
When all seems like its failing turn to God. You have to pray from down deep inside. I've started listening to K-Love and it truly relaxes me. Never give up on God cause he hasn't given up on us. No one said he will answer your prayers overnight. Their is a saying that goes God will choke you but he won't squeeze. In other words he knows how far one can go. Start going to church. When your surrounded my love it feels do much better. Join a bible study group. The more your surrounded by Godly things the better you will feel. Their is only one God do font worry about what religion to go to. That's what I've started to go myself and I feel a sense of relief.

10-24-2012, 03:18 PM
stfu spammer

10-24-2012, 03:19 PM
I have had anxiety disorder for 10 years and never have I thought about taking my life because of it! You need to find something that calms you something will work you just have to figure out what it is. It sucks and is no fun but its never been bad enough I wanted to end my life and I have had some pretty shitty situations with it. With all do respect... Pull it together!!!

All I want to know is what do you guys think.. is this really just anxiety or something else? Simply knowing its anxiety would make me calmer.

10-24-2012, 03:29 PM
It's sounds a lot like anxiety because I go through the same thing. It's like you can't stop thinking about it and the more you think about it , the worse it feels. Mind over matter , try doing things you enjoy doing and stay positive. Write a journal about how you feel or what your thinking about when you feel that way. It helps figuring out things a little and when you realize your life is at no serious threat you'll feel better.

10-24-2012, 04:00 PM
I'm putting my money on anxiety. Just breath and tell yourself your ok because you will be ok, I have my days where it's bad and I need a moment to myself to think clearly and tell myself I'm ok. Get out as much as you can find something you enjoy doing to take your mind off of it and you will be surprised how much better you feel :)

10-25-2012, 01:54 AM
If you really think its something else go to a doctor. As for the Ads there are so many if one doesnt suit you you need to try another! If you say you get a slight relief from smoking does that not tell you its because having a fag probably relaxes you so thats why you get relief! You really need to write a diary everyday relaxation techniques maybe yoga wether they work or not you have to do them every day and eventually you will feel better. Getting frustrated with yourself and everyone else wont help your state of mind! Go to a doctor!


11-07-2012, 03:57 PM
unable to focus, twitching... if i have one beer im dead tired... god damn it... over 8 months now..... im exhausted.

I have some deep psychological issues as well, Im starting to think this all might have to do with psychological issues and phobias that I have not resolved. I have some obsessive insecurities about myself.

11-07-2012, 05:20 PM
All I want to know is what do you guys think.. is this really just anxiety or something else? Simply knowing its anxiety would make me calmer.

I'm not putting my money all on anxiety, although I'm sure there's a good helping of anxiety in there.

First I suggested Lyme disease which you say you've been cleared of.

My second guess is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, more commonly known as M.E.
You have ALL the symptoms of M.E.

Please read this:


Let me know what you think?

11-07-2012, 11:49 PM
Hi there. I agree with the Lyme... It sounds like the past year and a half of my life and all of the symptoms you have are what I have experienced. I'm a 24 yr old previously healthy and happy woman (trying to be again) and my life literally fell apart and I felt exactly how you describe. I still have so many Lyme symptoms even with treatment and I will have I for life since I wasn't diagnosed until I had it at late stage but the medicines I'm on for Lyme seem to be helping my mental problems and overall life just a little bit. And now that i know what is wrong i can start to attempt to learn to,live with this and be happy and as healthy and positive as I can. Also you have to know this many times people who get tested for Lyme don't get the right tests done because doctors in the us are so uninformed about it. Tests are also very inaccurate. Message me if you want some more info. I have Lyme and I feel like I know exactly how you feel, it is the worst feeling and worsens depression an anxiety to scary levels. I have always had anxiety , but over the past year and a half I felt like I was becoming a total lunatic. I am trying to finish law school and hopefully I can now that im getting help but a few months ago I just wanted my life to end . Message me if you want to talk, I really think you should request some specific Lyme tests, I can give you the info. They say Lyme is the number one growing health epidemic and its called the great imitator as it mimics and worsens virtually every psychiatric and physical illness. Either way ,I hope you feel better, and if anyone reading this has chronic Lyme and increased problems with anxiety and depression, please message me, I would love to talk to some others going through this. -Laura

11-08-2012, 06:34 AM
i dont have lymes i said

Also what forwells? I have been describing you my symtoms what do u want? speak in more simple words pls-.-

my symptoms are basically unable to focus my eye sight, it is like unable to stay still... its like my heartbeat is interrupting my sight focus.... it varies in strenght.... also whenever I drink a beer or something I get really exhausted... I have often twitching all over my body... and basically mental exhaustion all the time. also surreal feeling, head feels foggy, not clear.

All the symptoms are in my head, I am physically healthy.

11-08-2012, 06:38 AM
i dont have lymes i said

Also what forwells? I have been describing you my symtoms what do u want? speak in more simple words pls-.-

my symptoms are basically unable to focus my sight completely, it is like unable to stay still... its like my heartbeat is interrupting my sight focus.... it varies in strenght.... also whenever I drink a beer or something I get really exhausted... I have often twitching all over my body... and basically mental exhaustion all the time.

Considered M.E. as i mentioned above?

11-08-2012, 06:39 AM
pls dont use abbrivations i dont know them

11-08-2012, 06:48 AM
pls dont use abbrivations i dont know them

go up to my last post above.. i reckon you have M.E.

11-08-2012, 06:49 AM
go up to my last post above.. i reckon you have M.E.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

11-08-2012, 07:00 AM
I have many of these symptoms yes.

11-08-2012, 10:35 AM
I have many of these symptoms yes.

Okayyyy... soooooooo... errrrr... what next?

Trip to the docs to confirm this?

11-08-2012, 12:44 PM
No I don't go to doctors. I don't like it. I'll start exercising more.

11-08-2012, 04:56 PM
No I don't go to doctors. I don't like it. I'll start exercising more.

There's not a lot I can say to this.
Well... not without being offensive anyway.

IF you have something physically wrong with you... IF... then IF you leave it, it will only get worse.
You've got to act, buddy. Now is the time.

11-08-2012, 05:37 PM
Then don't say anything about it. Its not your business. Anyway there is nothing physically wrong as I told you, it is all mental but the physical effects are horrible. Also that chronic fatigue thing doesn't seem to be a physical but rather mental.

IM DONE with running through hospitals. I have finally accepted it as anxiety and now you start telling me otherwise.... I will black out before I go to a hospital again, hospitals and medicare is shit in my piss poor shitty country.

I have tried for a long time to accept things as anxiety and other mental issues and now you start telling me I need to run through hospitals again.... Stop it, I won't go, and its no help anyway in this country.

11-08-2012, 10:36 PM
Skizo, I think you are being very rude to people who are just genuinely trying to help you out . People are reading your comments and putting in time and effort to try to give you some help. This forum is not a place to just complain and be rude to people while not even taking anyone's thoughtful suggestions seriously. Most of us on here genuinely are working towards getting better and it seems like you do not even want to help yourself so I think I speak for all when I say don't post something if you are not looking for responses to help you but only to go on and on about how badly you feel and while not really looking for advice and just totally disregarding people's helpful and thoughtful comments.

11-09-2012, 12:31 AM
Then don't say anything about it. Its not your business. Anyway there is nothing physically wrong as I told you, it is all mental but the physical effects are horrible. Also that chronic fatigue thing doesn't seem to be a physical but rather mental.

IM DONE with running through hospitals. I have finally accepted it as anxiety and now you start telling me otherwise.... I will black out before I go to a hospital again, hospitals and medicare is shit in my piss poor shitty country.

I have tried for a long time to accept things as anxiety and other mental issues and now you start telling me I need to run through hospitals again.... Stop it, I won't go, and its no help anyway in this country.

LOL... we can all be rude ya know. I think you're attitude is one of a complete knob head, but, I'm on this forum for a couple of reasons... and one of those is to help if I can.

I know how it feels so desperately impossible and how constant pain / anxiety makes you angry. I was similar before I got a grip of my anxiety. I'm one of the luckier ones.

Mine wasn't anywhere near as bad as yours though, so, by comparing, I thought and still think there may be something physcially wrong... like M.E.
If you don't want to go get that checked then it's up to you. I know I would in your position.

You should listen to Forwells 'n all. He's been there, done it and got the anxiety t-shirt - in all the colours.

Say it is JUST anxiety, then going back to your "beers" issue:

Anxiety disorder starts by one of two ways; 1/ an obvious trauma or 2/ overwhelmed with worry / concerns / anxieties - eventually the brain flips as it cannot take any more

You were probably already in a state of near flipping BEFORE that day you had the beers.
The beers could have been the flip point. The moment your brain said; "RIGHT, fuck this... I've had enough"... and then crash, bang, wallop... you cross the line of normality to anxiety disorder.

My disorder started by thinking I was having a heart attack. I got a pain in my left arm last December and I feared for my life.
I recognise I was already anxious... and this was my final straw.
Your final straw was the beers I reckon. Not necessarily the direct effects, but maybe the thoughts / worries that ensued from that day.

Maybe you're particularly unlucky in that your fight or flight mechanism is constant.
From the day my brain flipped - mine was regular, but not constant.

During fight or flight I felt like exploding with fear. It was horrific. Nowhere to run or hide... my body & head was out of control.
Perhaps you're like my worst episodes, only constant.

If this is the case then I understand you're living in hell.

I have to say that Diazepam (valium) was an invaluable tool for me - but only when I couldn't handle it.
I still take the odd half.

I also have to say that, anxiety is like an inner sentry soldier... doing it's own thing... thinking it's protecting you.
Otherwise normal pains or sensations can trigger it to take action.
One thing I noticed was one or two beers were not good for anxiety, since you only START to feel the effects of alcohol. Anxiety would think, "what the fuck is this sensation... I best take action" and then kick off fight or flight.
If you get past this and have another 2 or 3 beers (say 5 or 6 in total), chances are that the strength of alcohol with eventually outweigh anxiety... and actually, you'll feel great. This happened to me no end of times.

I'm not saying alcohol is the solution... it most certainly isn't. I'm just putting another perspective on the what could be going on.

11-27-2012, 04:11 PM

What happened to this guy?

12-14-2012, 12:37 PM
So I was fine for a few weeks, and I took another beer, and now I feel shit again! From a single beer!!! How is this possible can someone explain pls??? I cant drink AT ALL. And my life consists of drinking alcohoL!

And im not a lightweight, its just that after drinking, I get all the anxiety symtoms again for an indefinite time......

12-14-2012, 12:59 PM
Easy solution.. Don't drink!

12-14-2012, 01:00 PM
Yeah and that = Dont have a social life.

Im serious, my social life involves drinking 100%. There is no other way. I live in Eastern Europe so....

12-14-2012, 01:16 PM
Wouldn't you rather not have a social life than these horrible symptoms you experience?

12-26-2012, 04:17 PM
Can someone just explain to me how can a few beers do this to me??????? is it something physical???

12-26-2012, 04:31 PM
Can someone just explain to me how can a few beers do this to me??????? is it something physical???

Must be alergic to yeast? see if Marmite has the same effect...

12-26-2012, 04:31 PM
Because beer is a stimulant just like smoking weed! It changes your body chemistry and thoughts in the brain. That's why when you drink or smoke pot a lot of people have bad anxiety. If it gives you those effects then you have to make a choice to stop if you don't want those feelings. You can have a social life without drinking. You can still go out and be social and sober at the same time and enjoy life.

12-26-2012, 04:33 PM
Because beer is a stimulant just like smoking weed! It changes your body chemistry and thoughts in the brain. That's why when you drink or smoke pot a lot of people have bad anxiety. If it gives you those effects then you have to make a choice to stop if you don't want those feelings. You can have a social life without drinking. You can still go out and be social and sober at the same time and enjoy life.

Reallyyyy? you sure about that?


12-26-2012, 04:36 PM
Alcohol is a depressant. You just have to decide if you want drinks or you want to have relief from symptoms.

12-26-2012, 06:31 PM
So I was fine for a few weeks, and I took another beer, and now I feel shit again! From a single beer!!! How is this possible can someone explain pls??? I cant drink AT ALL. And my life consists of drinking alcohoL!

And im not a lightweight, its just that after drinking, I get all the anxiety symtoms again for an indefinite time......

Wow! Your problem skizo is you, your very negative, all you want to do is party and drink, and I think the symptoms you feel are hindering your partying and being able to get that buzz your looking for. I feel the same way you are, but why try an explain to you when you are so ignorant and hard headed. Most of us who suffer from anxiety/depression can careless about having a social life. Fuck I've read so many post on people trying to help you but its like your not looking for help, your looking for a quick fix to continue your social life and drinking. All I have to say is suicide is selfish, cowardly, and not the answer for anything. Imagine what your loved ones will go through if you gave up. Be strong take advise from people who are just here to help you. Stop being an ASS!!!

12-26-2012, 06:35 PM
Reallyyyy? you sure about that?


Lol. Yes really. I don't drink or smoke weed and I do have a social life. My friends like to drink but I choose not to because when I did have an occasional drink it made my heart palps worse so I stopped. But I still have a blast when I do go out and I'm feeling good:)

12-26-2012, 06:51 PM
I'm not putting my money all on anxiety, although I'm sure there's a good helping of anxiety in there.

First I suggested Lyme disease which you say you've been cleared of.

My second guess is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, more commonly known as M.E.
You have ALL the symptoms of M.E.

Please read this:


Let me know what you think?

I'm so stupid for reading about that. I now consider having it. Would it be very obvious, and if so what would make it obvious? I mean how extreme would it be?

12-26-2012, 07:39 PM
Wow! Your problem skizo is you, your very negative, all you want to do is party and drink, and I think the symptoms you feel are hindering your partying and being able to get that buzz your looking for. I feel the same way you are, but why try an explain to you when you are so ignorant and hard headed. Most of us who suffer from anxiety/depression can careless about having a social life. Fuck I've read so many post on people trying to help you but its like your not looking for help, your looking for a quick fix to continue your social life and drinking. All I have to say is suicide is selfish, cowardly, and not the answer for anything. Imagine what your loved ones will go through if you gave up. Be strong take advise from people who are just here to help you. Stop being an ASS!!!
What the hell does this have to do with suicide? I have never really thought about it, altho I sometimes cant take it anymore.

12-26-2012, 08:37 PM
What the hell does this have to do with suicide? I have never really thought about it, altho I sometimes cant take it anymore.

You mentioned it more than once in your post/replies.

12-27-2012, 06:48 PM
Mate you sure your not actually schizophrenic my dads paranoid schizo and I have GAD Wich came about from smoking weed for 10 months I get like this it's savage eapecially wene I drink beer I get angry and fight people :s cause I'm always overwhelmed I get short tempered :(