View Full Version : Starting new meds

10-08-2012, 12:29 PM
I was diagnosed with panic disorder, agoraphobia, emetophobia, OCD, depression. The doctor prescribed me Zoloft for daily use & Xanax as needed. The Zoloft has made me very ill and much more panicky than I already was. I've only been taking it for 6 days so I expected side effects, but it seems like its been the cause of more frequent panic attacks and the nausea is relentless. Has anyone else experienced this? Also, what have your experiences been with Xanax, good or bad?

10-08-2012, 01:44 PM
I haven't had Zoloft, but I've had many medications similar to it, and that class of drugs is known for causing many side effects. Some SSRIs/SNRIs have cause more anxiety in me. I was only treated with Xanax short term inpatient, but it's about the strongest benzodiazepine out there for anxiety and one of the most effective ones for stomping out panic attacks. If you've been taking them more closely to scheduled as opposed to PRN (as needed) and then you go without because of lack of anxiety, then it can cause what's caused "rebound" anxiety, or worsened anxiety as a result from not taking the medication as you had been.

10-09-2012, 07:35 AM
I had the same issue with Zoloft. Made me so sick to my stomach and very anxious. I had to stop and am now taking Prozac. Has not been an easy road with Prozac either but better than Zoloft. Take it one day at a time. Road to recovery definitely isn't a straight line so be patient :)