View Full Version : Everything at once

10-03-2012, 08:26 PM
I've had anxiety throughout my life and in the past few years its gotten bad. On top of it all during the last few months I feel like I've started to develop a little bit of OCD. I have t check things a certain amount of.times. i know its stupid but i cant help it i have to do it. Its driving me insane. Anyone else.have similar issues??

10-04-2012, 04:01 AM
I've had anxiety throughout my life and in the past few years its gotten bad. On top of it all during the last few months I feel like I've started to develop a little bit of OCD. I have t check things a certain amount of.times. i know its stupid but i cant help it i have to do it. Its driving me insane. Anyone else.have similar issues??

Yupppp I bless myself. Alotttttt. It's crazy and I hate it but I can't stop it. :/