View Full Version : Need help please

10-02-2012, 12:25 PM
Hey everyone
I have been having a lot of anxiety lately and last night I had a full blown scary panic attack.
I have been thinking a lot about death lately and I'm so scared. I can't accept the fact that I am going to die one day and that everyone I love is going to die and then all of a sudden there is nothing.
Please help me to overcome my fear of death. I don't know what to do. One day it's coming... I know that but it scares me so much.

10-02-2012, 02:52 PM
I recommend you find a good therapist, try many until you find one that works for you. Go as many times as you need but go with an open mind and willingness to do whatever it takes to overcome your fear. The key is you have to be willing and you have to be willing to try anything until you find yourself starting to deal with it a little more each day or week or month. The therapist can talk all day and night but if your not willing to help yourself it will never happen. That's how it happened for me. Until and not until I decided to become willing to do whatever, did it I start to overcome my fears.

10-02-2012, 03:01 PM
So you had this same fear?

10-02-2012, 05:21 PM
So you had this same fear?

Truth be known, these thoughts will run through EVERYONE's mind at some point(s) in their lives.

The realisation of death is a sickening / frightening / depressing / saddening / horrific blow. The END is a hard concept to swollow.

Normally, we go about our daily lives blissfully ignorant to this profoundly, awful fact of life. Almost as if it only happens to other people and not us.
We take life & those around us for granted, as if today is how it will be forever, for eternity.

Although it's true... I'm not gonna say all that crap like... "live for the moment"... "make the most of it". You've probably heard it a million times already.

What I will say is this:

Forget it. Ignore it. Toss it to one side and just get on with your usual stuff just as most the happy, smiley people around you do.
Learn from those who are just "getting on with it" and do the same.

Life ends when it ends and NOT BEFORE.