View Full Version : It's happening at work.........

10-01-2012, 10:02 AM
I'm having an anxiety attack at work,no where to run.............
wish this would stop......

10-01-2012, 10:14 AM
What line of work are you in? If it gets so bad can you not tell someone you are unwell and have to leave?

10-01-2012, 10:25 AM
If it is really bad, I think you should ask your boss if you can leave. Otherwise, try to calm yourself as best you can. Deep breaths. Deep in, hold, let out, pause, deep in, hold, let out, pause. repeat. You have our support.

10-01-2012, 10:28 AM
I don't want to run from this but I feel like I can't concentrate can't focus............

10-01-2012, 10:50 AM
If you are confident that you can calm yourself where you are, I'd try and do that. Running from the problem always made me feel like I've lost to it :/ so what I did was I'd take a deep breath and say "I know this is anxiety. That's all this is. I'm perfectly fine, and watch this will be over in like 10-20 minutes and I'll feel much better, and it would have all just been another little anxiety play." and just accept it. Don't fight it. Just wait it out, relax yourself as best you can, maybe look up some funny youtube videos or pictures. Or listen to some calming music. If you need to, just rock and rub your hands on your legs, or through your hair, whatever works best.

Drink cold water. Hope this may work

10-01-2012, 10:55 AM
drink iced cold water. walk a bit.

10-01-2012, 10:57 AM
Thanks all starting to feel better, I appreciate all the advice this is a great forum for people who are suffering with these disorders.

10-01-2012, 03:58 PM
The work place is one of anxieties favourites.
Stresses and pressures are plentiful - anxieties favourite foods!

Be open and honest with your boss. You MUST tell people else you'll keep it bottled and explode everytime you have an attack.

During my worst period of anxiety / PA's... I would HAVE to leave the office and go for a walk. If this didn't help then I'd either go home, to my parents or partners.

This is the "FLIGHT" choice of fight or flight. We run for safety...

10-03-2012, 08:50 AM
I know how you feel.

The worst thing you can do though is leave work. Why? Because that is what's called negative reinforcement if in fact you feel better when you leave. Work/income is GOOD for your life. It's important that you find a way to calm yourself while you are there. For some reason, I'm picturing one of those cute little 4-inch "zen gardens" with sand, rake and a stone on your desk and you 'playing around' with that when anxiety hits. Of course, I don't know you or if that is something you would have on your desk, but I think you should find some physical objects and thoughts to focus on like a meditation when these attacks start at work. Something that you can engage in that will be relaxing (without being ocd). Maybe have a plant to water, peaceful music with headphones, breathing exercises. Sometimes just grounding oneself, focusing on our deep breaths in and out brings us to a primal core feeling that has no conditions/attachments that can fester the anxiety. When I have anxiety attacks, it does help to engage in relaxing, mind-centering activities.

I definitely think you should NOT try to keep working, but just don't LEAVE work. Take a short break. Try to take control of your thoughts in a way that outweighs the domino effect of emotions. Sometimes I literally talk to myself (in my head..lol) "Ok bells, I'm giving you 5 minutes to get a grip". In that time I will engage in the meditations, etc. "After 5 minutes you're getting back to [work task] and you're gonna rock at it."

I know it's not easy. That's why I'm here too. :)

10-03-2012, 03:40 PM
thanks bells, I appreciate taking the time to help me, I will definitely try to remember those exercises.