View Full Version : First Day of Cymbalta - Strange lightheadedness

Dorian Rahamim
09-29-2012, 01:12 PM
Howdy All
Today is the first day of trying Cymbalta for my generalized anxiety problem, I just took my first 20mg pill 2 hours ago. I tried 50mg of Zoloft a little while ago, but the insomnia was too much for me to handle (better to be anxious and get 4 hours then not be anxious and get 0 hours). I've started to feel a little strange but I can't tell if it's the drug or just my anxiety. I feel pretty light-headed, not exactly dizzy, but there's a sort of tingly feeling in my head and face and strange feeling in my throat like i have to swallow something. I'm trying not to panic because i know that won't make things any better, but this doesn't feel at all like my experience with Zoloft. During the few days that I took Zoloft, i didn't really feel anxious at all, my mind just raced a bit, and I couldn't sleep a wink. Has anyone else felt this strange lightheadedness and did it get worse throughout the day? Naturally, anything that affects my brain makes me very nervious.