View Full Version : UK ONLY!! Benefits help!

09-26-2012, 05:41 PM
Hi this question is UK only

Hi, I am 17 and as I am coming up to 18, all money for me has stopped

I have been suffering from Agoraphobia/Social phobia for 13 months, and OCD since I was 3

I don't want to be on benefits, but for the time being while having iTalk therapy, I am going to need too

With my OCD I was my hands 40+ times per day, and its cause eczema on my hands, which I have to use steroid ointments for, and my social phobia/agoraphobia has cause me to barley go out, and when I do I cant be alone or I will have an anxiety attack

My iTalk therapy starts in a fortnight

And with no way to go and get a job, I cant live on no income, it kills me to ask, but I have no choice, what benefits do you think I am eligible for~? which should I apply for? and roughly how much will it be?

I don't want to go on anything I have to go for those "ATOS" medical exams for, as I have seen multiple times on the news about people in wheelchairs failing the mobility component, and I have also read they unfairly fail everyone, I cant deal with any more stress in my life at the moment

thanks in advance for you of you help!