View Full Version : I'm new!!!

09-25-2012, 03:47 PM
Hello everyone, I have had a bit of a rollercoaster year. Started with anxiety and depression due mainly to my job and lack of self esteem. Went on Anti depressants and had counselling which really helped. I felt much better and slowly came off my tablets with no problems.
Just recently I have been having small episodes of anxiety. I am in a job I love I work in a boarding house with kids which I love. Everyone I work with is lovely but I am constantly suspicious of them. I worry I'm not good enough or I can't control difficult situations and feel I've failed if I have to accept help in a difficult situation.

I have good days and bad ones. I think the change in weather can affect my mood and who I am working with affects me too. When I'm bad I feel scared of any kind of confrontation. I can't bare it.

Would you tell your boss about your history with depression if you were me?

I need constant reassurance that I'm doing ok at work because of my self esteem. I have joined this forum for support. I so want to find new ways to cope when I feel I'm getting too worked up and blowing things out of proportion.

I want to help myself I feel I can cope off antidepressants and want to continue that way if I can.

Thanks for listening and thanks for any help and advice. X

09-25-2012, 04:24 PM
Short answer? Yes, disclose everything about yourself that you're continually trying to hide from people..Once it is exposed, it will stop tormenting you just like a ghost or spirit would. It may sound abit weird to see it typed or explained so simply like this, but it is true. The more you try to hide "it", the more likely the chance is that "it" will gain new ground and continue to build a solid footing again.

Your welcome..


09-26-2012, 12:08 PM
Thank you. I'm due a review with my boss next week. Will explain how I'm feeling.

09-26-2012, 12:27 PM
Open, honest, transparency is going to get you WAY more successes and move you in a forward direction much quicker then any other alternative by far..Go ahead and prepare the presentation while your at it. Write it out, outline it, power points..That will also help to guide you through the unknown maze you're going to be feeling like you're walking into. It'll also help you to relax...

You got this!


09-26-2012, 01:39 PM
The "E"-male speaks wisdom.

There's another, equally important reason why you should "expose" yourself (oooooh behave)... and that is this:

The very reason anxiety begins is because of worries / fears you have IN YOUR HEAD. These mount... and mount... and mount... until eventually your brain is FULL / overloaded and the brain HAS to deal with this... and it does this by unleashing fight or flight mode, which manifests itself as fear & physical symptoms throughout your entire body... and hence... ANXIETY DISORDER.

SO... by TALKING, you're literally letting those fears out. Opening the doors for them, if you like. Freeing some of the crap that's mounted within your head.

Seriously... it's SO GOOD to talk about your fears, concerns, problems, issues... in ALL aspects of life, not just anxiety.