View Full Version : dealing with this everyday

09-23-2012, 12:01 AM
hi i am new to this forum im 28 and have 4 children i had only ever once had 1 panic attack about 12 months ago and hadnt experienced any anxiety or attacks since.
which brings me to now over the last 2 weeks i have been trying to deal with this constant anxiety all day everyday and even wake with it in the morning i have been the doctors and he has prescribed some diazepan if needed which last night i neally had a full on attack so had one which did help.
some days are better then others i am wondering is there any medical condition which can trigger anxiety? to start like this and not go away?? as i have never been through anything like it i just want it to go away and leave me alone . why has this just started now? i dont know alot about anxiety problems but why after years and years of not having it why just come now?

09-23-2012, 05:21 AM
Mine came out of no where also. Docs looked me all over and I was good but it could also be your thyroid acting up. It's best to just go get blood work so you're sure and won't have another thing to panic about. :)

09-23-2012, 07:20 AM
Anxiety disorder can strike at any time. Generally after a single trauma or a build up of worries over time.

All of a suddent the brain just flips. Can't deal with all the problems/worries tumbling around inside your head anymore and HEY PRESTO... anxiety disorder and panic attacks develop.

I must admit, if I'd had 4 children at the age of 28 I would be panicking, lol... that's a lot of kid to deal with :-D

Glad to hear diazepam helps. At least this proves you have an anxiety issue rather than anything physical.

Why this has happened now may not SEEM obvious, and when this is the case - you have to investigate a little deeper.
Think about how your life is, generally (i.e. is it stressy?)
Money worries?
Children worries?
Relationship worries?
Any other worries???
Thinking about someting nasty that's happened in the past?

... dig deep enough and you'll unearth something I can assure you. Might take a while to find it but something will be lurking!