View Full Version : Why do I have good days and bad?

09-20-2012, 08:17 AM
I am so tired of feeling like this. I have been dealing with insomnia for almost a week. I went to the doctor and she said I was having noctunal PA and prescribed me zoloft and xanex for at night. Well the first night I took the xanex, I slept great. I took .5 MG, two pills at .25 each. I had the best day in a long time because I got sleep. Last night I decided to only take one and a half pills so it was less than the .5. I had another bout of nocturnal PA and did not get much sleep at all. Could just that little dose change affect me that much? I feel like I am losing my mind here!!

09-20-2012, 09:06 AM
Perhaps the first night was simply a placebo effect? I had that the first time I took a couple of different anti-anxiety meds during a panic attack. From then on they never worked when I had a panic attack. Not sure if there's any natural herbal remedies to try for insomnia. It's not a subject I know much about i'm afraid
