View Full Version : Just an update and looking for similar experiences

09-18-2012, 06:58 PM
I've been taking Prozac and Ativan since mid-March. The dosages were .5mg of Ativan and 20 mg of Prozac.. Since then, it was upped to 40mg of Prozac. After having a discussion with the doctor today about the anxiety levels and that I didn't feel like the Ativan was working anymore, she switched me over to .5 mg of Klonopin and 60mg of Prozac.

What a difference... I can see a big change comparing Ativan with the Klonopin. She explained that she upped the Prozac because it's supposed to deal with the issues I'm having but that the Ativan/Klonopin is to help me cope with the issues while the Prozac kicks in and to just help me on days when I'm feeling really stressed.

I'm just wondering if anyone else is going through this type of change and how it's going..