View Full Version : Fight or flight and my curiosity!

Sam BatCountry Edgar
09-18-2012, 11:34 AM
My anxiety attacks are awful. I get these brief spouts of depersonalization, heavy-breathing, and the impending sense of dread and doom. However with my anxiety attacks I don't suffer chest pain, but I do suffer tightness in my head, my hands feel numb, I feel terrified that something bad is going to happen to me and I have to leave the area and control my breathing, and even then I feel horrible because of all of this.

I google all of my symptoms all of the time and am constantly anxious. Paramedics were called out and they tested my blood pressure and it was fine but I'm constantly nauseous and constantly thinking something is internally wrong with me. I seem to panic more when I'm on laptops or computers and I'm not sure if that's linked.

I was told that the fight or flight response is to blame with anxiety attacks as the body appears to be threatened. I was curios, can Fight or Flight be linked to an internal illness? Like possibly a stroke or aneurysm? I barely seem to have chest pain with my anxiety attacks but I definitely have other symptoms like tightness in my head, queasiness, panic of impending doom, tingly hands. I'm terrified something is wrong. I feel detached alot of the time from reality.

Please help.

Also my hands feel weird even when I don't have an anxiety attack - Like they feel partially numb and tingly. Am I dying? How do I get out of this dark hole?

09-18-2012, 01:58 PM
Apart from the odd case of high thyroid function, anxiety is caused my too much worry, tension or inner conflicts and has nothing to with the body proper. It's not a neurological issue either. It's psychological and that leads to all you body symptoms which are most causes from too much adrenaline. Then it feeds on itself and your off to the races. Alankay

09-19-2012, 01:20 AM
You suffer many classical anxiety symptoms.

Fight or flight is essentially preparing your entire system to run or fight... FOR YOUR LIFE.
This is obviously a drastic reaction and the physical symptoms are proof of that!

>I seem to panic more when I'm on laptops or computers and I'm not sure if that's linked.

Yes... yes... and THRICE YES. Sitting at a computer is absolutely not good for anxiety because between actually doing stuff (reading / writing), most of the time you're just sitting there in silence... thinking... thinking... worrying... thoughts tumbling around.

Best to have breaks at regular intervals. This comes from a man with experience! lol