View Full Version : has anyone had luck with medications outside of benzos or SSRIs?

09-15-2012, 04:06 PM
has anyone had luck with medications outside of benzos or SSRIs?

benzos (xanax, etc) I tend to become dependent upon

zoloft did help my anxiety and mood but major problems in the sack, which is a fairly common side effect from what I've read.

I tried others like wellbutrin and buspirone way back when, but don't recall them being that effective. Kava kava didn't help at all.

have any of you tried SNRIs or tricyclics like Elavil?

frustrated that I feel like I'm running around in circles with the meds on the market. nothing majorly new has come out since SSRIs so many years ago. and it seems like with the economy and socialized healthcare we won't have research dollars for new medications.

:/ sorry I'm just so tired of being anxious all the time.