View Full Version : Anxiety, cardiophobia, trying to cope...

09-14-2012, 01:17 PM
So i've been feeling like I am getting nowhere with all my issues. It started off a year this month now when I had my first "panic attack". Since then my focus on my heart and it's functioning has grown. So much so that a young teen girl who used to partake in every and any exercise, push herself easily when running and doing sports, who never noticed whenever she was nervous and who loved adrenaline rushes... to someone who is now scared to even exert herself for fear of her heart, who tries to avoid activities that might trigger an adrenaline release or make her nervous. It's really gotten bad.

I have been coping somewhat, I went through a stage of literally checking my pulse non-stop throughout the day. I've moved from that but I still refuse to 'push' myself as it were. I used to love competing my horse show jumping and now when I go in the ring I get the usual nerves accompanied by horrid, pvcs that stop me doing what I love.

Basically, I just wanted to hear some other stories, anybody in a similar situation. I really cannot believe I am still here a year later, all I want to do is enjoy my life. Especially since I am young and supposedly healthy. I keep trying to force through it and feel positive but then I am continually plagued by these PVC's that just won't let me ignore them. I have tried hypnotherapy, anxiety classes but I refuse medication. My cardiologist does not want me to try drugs either and ensures me it will pass in time and i just have an irritation but I don't know how to help myself and stop worrying.

09-14-2012, 02:19 PM
Do you know how many times I've read the following:
1. Had my 1st panic attack.
2. My heart was pounding.
3. Now all I can do is focus on my heart pounding.
4. I think I'm going to have a heart attack all the time now, and I check my pulse every 9 mins.
5. I focus on my heart all day.
6. I refuse medications.
7. My cardiofartoligist says NO to drugs.
8. He assures me it'll pass in time..

Once anxiety is born, it spreads and infects every tissue in your body because you MIND is feeding it. It isnt your heart that's the problem, its the "signal" sent to the "adrenal gland" that dumps "adrenaline" into your system that cause your pulse rate and BP to skyrocket...all the time. It won't pass with time, I wanna punch yer cardiodumbass in the mouth. It ALL begins in the brain and grows from there.

1. Go see an actual M.D. and get dialed in on the right medications and quit wasting valuable time, as you stated yer a teen. Stop it, before it stops you.
2. Then arrange to speak to an actual councelor or therapist rather then close your eyes and dream about unicorns fartin out rainbows..
3. If you choose to avoid or ignore what I've just stated, then I will tell you if you don't control this that it will control you permanently like it will me now for the rest of my life. You think you're afraid of medications now? Wait till the next one the Dr. prescribes to you says be careful because it (MAY CAUSE DEATH)..

I'm being extremely serious here too..and I'm not attacking you, because I care.
