View Full Version : Coming off my beta blocker

09-11-2012, 12:03 PM
My doc put me on propranolol for heart palps or pvc's 20 mg x2 a day he said they were non addictive and that I can stop them. I'm so scared about my heart and adrenaline and I think if I can come off these I may just realize my hearts ok if I don't get the palps. But is it ok to taper off? Will I stroke out? Are these really as harmless as I've been told? I'm so scared they will hit me hard again. But I don't want to take them forever I'm going to try to just take my evening pill tonight and see if that's ok for me. I'm tired of the stress thinking I'm only alive cuz of this pill. When I take the pill it's like I don't worry as much cuz I took it but I want to know that I'm not going to die if I get off the meds too. I'm trying to keep myself calm so my adrenaline doesn't spike. I want my anxiety symptoms to go away. It's bad enough I have vertigo all the time. I don't want my heart to be damaged too! Anyone advice. I'm only 30 but I know I drink and smoke too much cuz of the stress that's how I feel I've damaged my heart. Not too much compared to some but I still do it. I'm cutting back at present though. Help please

09-11-2012, 01:15 PM
dont worry .....if your palpitation come again its due to your psychologicall dependency ...propanalol is non addictive ....i quit ....go ahead and symtoms will vanish in few days

09-11-2012, 02:37 PM
20mg is a fairly small dose to stop. I use 20mg-40mgs and even that's not a big deal but....................with its short half life Id' taper off. Just take 10mg twice a day for 5 to 7 days. Inderal is non active but you are having a psychological issue(which I totally understand) of stopping them but you will adjust. This med at higher doses must be tappered off off. Some take much, much more. You are OK. though. Folks who take much higher doses might have elevated blood pressure if they just drop it and that's not good. A rebound type high BP. Alankay

09-11-2012, 02:50 PM
I have recently reduced my propranolol dose and I promise you I was fine. I was on 80mg slow release tabs (one a day) and had been on them for about 6 months. I went down to taking 3 10mg tablets a day for a few days, then 2 tablets a day for a few days and for the past couple of months I have been taking one 10mg tablet a day. I will then stop them and just take them if and when I need to. During the time I was on them though I attended regular therapy sessions and really worked on learning about my anxiety and how to control it. If you have not done that yet then I wouldn't bother stopping them until you feel mentally ready. Going by your post you still sound like you have anxiety and until you work on that you will probably still experience a racing heart, adrenaline surges and so on when you reduce and stop them. Going by what my doctor said it is fine to be on them long term (even the 80 mg tabs I was on).