View Full Version : Goosebumps and chills normal?

09-11-2012, 10:13 AM
Hi I have hypochondria severe health anxiety. I get random heart palpitations heart missing beats or at least what it feels like. Im waiting to hear back from the hospital to get an ecg done. the thing that really is causing me to be scared is the it doesnt always happen when im anxious :(. Had them for a few years but i am so scared!!!. Could these goosbumps be from a heart problem? :(. I have not slept in two months worrying about it and no matter what i do its on my mind. Is the goosebumps and chills related to anxiey?

09-11-2012, 10:26 AM
anyone and ive just started on citalopram 10mg :(

09-11-2012, 10:47 AM
i have chills and palpitations. and my ECGS always comes back normal. :) dont know how many ECGs ive got done.

09-11-2012, 10:58 AM
I get the palpitations when I am not anxious. In fact, I can be completely happy and content and will all of a sudden be hit with the stupid palps...which in turn causes me to become anxious. It happened just yesterday.

They also seem to come when my heart rate increases. Like if i clean the house or take a shower. I haven't been exercising much at all bcs I'm afraid of the palps starting up.

I have had test and X-rays done, as well as blood test and they say it's just anxiety. I try to convince myself that and it's hard.

But if you had these palps for years, and they were due to an health problem, I'm sure it would have shown itself by now, no?