View Full Version : got the doc's today for my eyes I'm craping myself

09-10-2012, 03:06 AM
I'm so scared they are goin to tell me something is wrong I just know it just hope it ain't as bad as what my head is making me think :-\

09-10-2012, 10:00 AM
I can pretty much guarantee they will tell you nothing is wrong. they may send you for further testing but most likely that will show nothing as well. It's unfortunately all part of anxiety. But no matter what they tell you you will still be convinced that something is seriously wrong. I think you said in another post that you had only been to one therapy session and then lost the phone number? Please get back to therapy and start working on coping with your anxiety. It's hard work but once you get to a better place mentally then all these horrible sensations will disappear and if you still get them sometimes you will be able to better accept that thete is nothing truly wrong.

09-10-2012, 01:05 PM
Yeah well u were right my eye sight is fine and my eye health is sound,I feel really stupid now the doc told me it's more than likely anxiety.I really believed in my soul that something was wrong but yet again it's this feckin anxiety!!!! Yeah I've got to get back in touch with my therapist cuz I can't take this shit much long my missis has had anuf now aswell she thinks I'm goin mental, an I don't blame her lol thanks for ur post tho ;-)

09-10-2012, 02:13 PM
... Yay! :)