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03-20-2007, 04:16 PM
I was wondering if someone with general anxiety could tell me, if a thing they have feared and worried about has ever “come true”… has it ever happened?

Im currently in my anxious state and there are weeks when its worse weeks when its better… Now im pondering over something I thought was long gone. the fear of the same thing has come back and im trying to analyze from every possible angle even though there is no more to analyze and I have many times come to the conclusion that thinking about it is not going to help at all as it just makes me feel worse and more anxious. any advice on how I can stop this thought? I know its irrational and the probability of such a thing happening minimal, but my mind keeps visualizing the worst potential outcome..

Please help how do I stop this worry....

03-21-2007, 10:33 AM

Yes, such a thing has happened to me. In my case, it was my fear of speaking in certain situations. A few times at my day job, I've had to go to the bathroom and dry heave just before joining a conference call where I had to present to the other callers.

However, it has gotten better. Exposure is the best therapy for phobias.

If something you thought was cured actually came back, then it was never cured in the first place, unfortunately. Continual exposure should help you get over it.