09-08-2012, 08:18 PM
A post in here started me thinking... I think I have an idea as to where my anxiety has come from. I get anxiety if I have to confront someone ( I am a supervisor so that stinks), when I am in a crowded place and when I think someone is upset with me. After I sat down and really thought about all of this I think it is coming from all of the abuse that I have witnesses and the abuse that was inflicted upon me during my life. I was young when my dad left ( only 5), but he was very abusive towards my mother. Although I don't remember it clearly, I do remember bits and pieces. I stayed with my grandparents a lot growing up while my mom went to work. I remember clearly one night watching my grandpap pushing my grandma around through a mirror. I was suppose to b in bed sleeping. As I was growing up and had different boyfriends in school, there was abuse from them. I then got married and was in a physical, emotional and mentally abusive marriage. Took me ten years to get out. I am with a great man now... Finally... But I find that when we argue I get anxiety. It's like I am just waiting to get pushed around or something. We have been together for 8 years and there has never been any abuse at all, but it just triggers something. Now the question is where do I go from here to stop this anxiety?!? I don't take meds. I use to take Prozac but got off of it when I decided to have a child. I only get anxiety every once in awhile so I can usually get through it ok. I have no insurance so therapy is out. I do get anxiety on interstates but I am working on that. I know that this came from my brother in law getting killed while on one 4 years ago. Hmmm....