View Full Version : Anybody taking Viibryd?

09-08-2012, 03:56 PM
Im at about day 24 on Viibryd and its been a bumpy(sometimes VERY) bumpy month. It started like the 2nd week in where I would wake up and my stomach would be in knots, then that got better. Now a few days ago I had a huge attack in the middle of the night and ever since my stomach feels so nervous all the time and just painful. Also dhiarea at times. Anyone have anything to share about this med, like if this is normal or should I stop taking it and go back to something else(Ive only tried like everything else in the book lol). Any comments would be appreciated, thanks!

09-10-2012, 07:31 PM
I just started taking it a week ago. Had some diarrhea the first day or so, but nothing since. My Dr. told me to say at 10 MG for a month before moving up the ladder.

09-11-2012, 11:48 PM
I couldn't handle the diarrhea and discontinued Viibryd after 2 weeks. I'm really sensitive to any drug that messes w/ your GI system and all of the SSRI's are rough that way but I think Viibryd is the worst followed by Zoloft.