View Full Version : Used to anxiety new to meds

09-06-2012, 06:15 AM
Hello all ....I have suffered from Anxiety on and off for about 15 year’s now...first episode happening in high school...ER visit and Buspar medication. I took it for about a year and then felt so much better I stopped :( The next few years I would have a panic attack every once in a while, I could usually calm myself down enough not to have to get back on meds. I would visit the ER about once a year with a huge attack. Lately they have been so bad! Daily I have been having multiple attacks and my GP put me on Buspar again. The thing is I have a HUGE fear of taking meds. I am scared of the side effects (took Lexapro once and put me in ER with low blood presser) I will barely take Tylenol for a headache. I am a type 1 Diabetic for the past 8 years and in my late 30's. Sometimes I think my anxiety is hormone induced. I am so tired of living this way but yet I have meds and I just look at them and never actually take them. HELP! I don’t know what to do and I am so exhausted!