View Full Version : Never been so humiliated in my life

09-05-2012, 11:50 AM
Been to work expeirence for 3 weeks. Missed 4 days in that period. Missed monday and tuesday came in today. Saw him on my fag break and tried to explain to him that it wont be happening again and i have the desire and determination, i tried to call you Monday and tuesday but couldnt get through which is the truth. He said "ok well its Wednesday now, lets think about today, cause to be honest im more interested in the new starts to be honest" (Part of the work they have to to). I said ok i respect that. Went back in. Did almost a whole day. Made me do some work. Called me over to a desk, in a room where people were working and probably could here. And says James we're going to let you go because its happened to many times now. One day i can take two maybe but now its too many. I just agreed and said i understand.... This wasn't even done in a office. I went to school with a girl who is there and she was close enough to hear everything. She knows 88 people that i do on facebook.... I dont blame him for letting me go but its just soul crushing getting shown the door at work EXPERIENCE. And whats worse they all probably just think im a looser who does not want to be there. Like im the sort of person to sign up to something for experience and then not turn up? Ive let myself down. Maybe i should of just forced myself out. I say this and then the anxiety hits. All day today couldn't sit still couldn't concentrate on anything.

I cant believe ive fucked this up for myself. This has made me feel even worse. God nothing worse than looking like a looser whos going nowhere in life. Fucking anxiety/DP. Hit exactly the right time i started. Trust me i wanted to be there i was enjoying being out of the house for the first time in 6 months actually doing something even if it was boring. But like i said i don't blame this guy, i would of done the same thing. The only beef i have was not asking me why i wernt in and not taking me seriously. And then not doing it in private was just humiliating. Absolutely humiliating. The thing i have is im not in a mental state to take shit off my mum and my brother. See everywhere i go they wont understand. They will just say "his going nowhere in life his quit because he wants to lay around the house all day" but really its the complete opposite.... My mum is mental, complete and utter wackjob. I didn't do two dishes i let them in soke yesterday and shes put a separate bucket of my washing up in the back room for me to do....Wtf is that shit... Honestly i cant live here. Cant really live at my friends. I just hope i don't do some crazy shit like put myself into a hospital cause right now my mums enough to send me to that. Im not making out. Two days ago i was scared to take a damn bath.

I'm not feeling sorry for myself, just pissed off. And i dont know who to be pissed off with. Myself but that's no fuckin change. If this goes round my town im gonna dunno what...

Anyone lost a real job or had a similar experience to mine?

09-05-2012, 11:52 AM
Here we have a guy that's taken on a 19 year old guy without much qualifications and from what they know no work experience (which is a lie.) But i wish he could of let myself explain myself. I wouldn't of told him about my anxiety cause im trying to keep some dignity and i am ashamed of it no matter what anyone says. Not ashamed with myself but im ashamed to explain it. But i would of just said "give me a chance." I was sitting there today thinking i had TB now i feel better 2 hours later i realize how irrational that was. But i was just depressed tired couldn't think straight kept rushing to the toilet to go on Google on my blackberry. Far as he knows is i dont want to be there at all. So i dont blame him but i believe the way he did it was utterly ccsnuggle*tish. I just feel like a mess now. Even if i could of said my part even if he would of still let me go. I just wanted him to know THAT I AM NOT A LOOSER AND I DO WANT TO DO THINGS AND WORK HARD. Honestly. Thats all i wanted to say. But its hard to do that in front of people especially when shy. Why did he do that? Any suggestions? Why do that in a room full of people.... Just inflated right now. Good job im not too depressed. Absolutely horrible.

What pisses me off is 9 months of not doing fuck all and feeling "ok" to finding something i want to do but 2 weeks before, having panic attacks. Even this morning i tried to make it down to work and i got there before everyone else. To show that i do want to do it. This is not a lie. And on the way down i had a panic attack. "man up James you bitch keep walking" i tell myself in my mind. And i did. Just wanted to let that guy know that im not a waster. Thats whats hurting. Cause deep down i know im not, but everyone around me is gonna judge. I believe in myself, just cant do it while like this. Im too tired, my brains tired.

But he didn't give me a chance and i respect his decision. Even though he was a nice bloke he had a nasty side i could tell first few days. But then again i suppose his running a company, and his the manager, so they gotta be ruthless to a certain extent. Gahh

09-05-2012, 11:52 AM
I'm starting celexa tomorrow only 10mg. and getting diazapams. Can i drink while taking celexa?

09-05-2012, 12:16 PM
Hey bruh Fluk,

Chill out man. It was just another speedbump on the road of life man, nothing more. Stop the "self-incrimination" bullshit too, and now. You were, and always will be, on a (probationary) period with any new job you take on anywhere. It is during this period that your superiors will be monitoring your performance, ability, arrival, moods, behaviors, everything about you with be observed, anywhere, where other people work. That is how all companys run, and run to generate a profitable revenue and why some companys have a Human Resources dept to deal with these kinds of issues. Basically, on site councelors and therapist.

Now, as far as him calling you out in front of others goes, it was just basic disregard and disrespect towards you, because that's what he thought that you gave to him. He returned it back to you. He planned to make you feel the way you now feel, that's why he's The Boss. Yes, ruthless, aggressive, assertive, and basically an asshole. That's what makes people stay in line, a Commander with strength, power, authority, and no real vested interest or care for anyone else or their feelings. It's about $$$$$'s and nothing more. You MUST let this one go, delete these thoughts asap.

What you MUST do however is to learn from this experience, and take note of the exact details that you did learn..so you will not repeat them again at future jobs.

I can not advise on the drinking thing in any way friend..sorry there.

You'll be fine and you're young and got a long life ahead dude.


09-05-2012, 12:27 PM
I agree with the above:

I remember being so nervous about work experience, but I enjoyed every moment of it. But now looking back I realise it was that: Work EXPERIENCE.

Theres a great deal of time between leaving school and starting up a family and having a mortgage. Your idea of a career could change hundreds of times so think of that experience as a try out.

Yeh thats what a boss is and does, get on the wrong side of them and they'll say how they feel. He felt let down so his response was to let you have it basically!!!

09-05-2012, 12:57 PM
One more thing that I must type here before I go finish some paperwork.

"I didnt want to tell him that I had anxiety because I wanted to keep some dignity and I am ashamed of it and people with judge me then"..or something to that regard. That extremely powerful, strong, typed statement of your is exactly what anxiety WANTS you to think and do to keep him safe and secure within you. You're following his orders and commands as dictated. That is where a HUGE problem with these conditions and disorders actually is and exist. The more you or anyone else here trys to "hide or conceal" it, the stronger it becomes. I know that many people will read these statements, and will not understand them for a minute or two, but it will then hit them, and you too. Stop feeding the anxiety, by trying to camoflauge him, cover him, conceal him, hide him,..let anyone you may have to encounter or work for in the future that you have a condition and a disorder that you're working to correct. You'll be amazed at the actual responses you will receive from these people that you are informing of your issue as it will be THE EXACT OPPOSITE of how you think they will reply. They will say, "Ok, I appreciate your honesty and openess in sharing that with me so please just let us know what I or we can do to help you?"...You'll feel cold chills when you hear that, and the hair on yer arms will stand up too. Why?..Because you just struck anxiety at his weakest point, and he's going to begin to become abit nervous about it too..Let anxiety worry, not you...Try it, see for yourself..


09-05-2012, 01:35 PM
Reading your post made me REALLY furious, you really think u got it hard? you just got kicked from work EXPERIENCE, you said feel anxeity for 2 weeks now? I've felt despair, raw terror, un-ending anxeity for almost 2-3 years now. everyday waking up feeling dizzy feeling like I want to puke, I feel raw hunger from not eating anything soild for days, breaking out from sweat from just walking to the store to buy something NON solid so I can finaly get something down. I lost like 20 kilos which I had worked really hard for in the gym working out 4 times a week(for 1 and a half year) eating to the breaking point everyday, and then seeing my self turn into a skeleton looking thing in the mirror, how do you think I felt then? At my lowest I couldnt even go to the store... I dropped out of colleuge in my second year and took a two year break, doing nothing and being home and just feeling like utter SHIT, on the verge of suicide, ONLY thing that kept me from doing it was that I didn't want to hurt my family.

But you know what I did in the start of last year? I manned the f*** up I started to read charles lindens book about anxeity, I started to call friends I started to emerge my self into doing daily stuff as chores in the house, going out at evenings playing basketball and etc with my friends eventho walking out of the door was making me want to piss my pants. eventually little by little it starts to release its hold on you, but the funny part is that it never really goes away if you dont get proper medication/therapy. BUT you learn to live with it, through experiences you learn how to handle stuff. and be open about having anxeity dont feel ashamed for it, you dont have to tell everybody, just your close friends you hang out with after work etc, childhood friends, people you trust. Dont walk around hiding it will only make it worse, and hiding at home will make it even worse. And I started attending school, everyday eventho i felt like shit, I felt like puking in the classroom but I just kept busy started talking with people in my class really focusing hard on my work, and I also keept a bottle of water or soda near me incase I got thirsty.

I dont know what degree of anxeity/panic attacks you have, but on a daily scale I felt anxeity 10/10, and this includes the whole package, sensations, panick attacks, depression. stuff that worked for me was

+ Keeping busy.( doing stuff that will take your mind of the anxeity, the more physical the better, basketball, fotball, gym house chores, helping people move, stuff that makes you break out in a sweat.
+ Eating alot, if ive eaten poorly I cannot deal with anxeity at all, I Just have no energy to deal with it.(eat as many meals through out the day as possible)
+ When you are feeling at your lowest, talk to people, you actually dont even have to talk about your problems, just make them talk about their day, what they want to do in the weekend, what chicks they meet etc, just talk
about anything for a few hours. Take a walk with ur friend talk about what you want to do in ur life etc, and then you can also get some stuff off ur chest, "like man my day has been shit etc".....
+ I drink alot of water, Dont know if it helps but I get thristy alot since I have something called globus hystericus which basically is a lump in your throat, and my throat gets dry and irritated. what I really belive globus is that its emotion which triggers the feeling, but w/e
+ Have a positive mindset, dont think like a wus, be strong, be a man dammit, there are people having it even worse than me, and I dont even want to emagine how that feels.
+ Have even more stuff to do on the side, right now I try to speak to as many chicks as possible, chatting with them on internet striking up conversations in school and when walking at home, I just spend alot of time thinking about openers and etc and it keeps me busy and I actually enjoy it alot.

09-05-2012, 01:36 PM
And now to the finale! I will give you the answer to what panic attacks, G.A.D and all of that stuff really is, it is all bullshit which you empower, thoughts like uuh shit I have a lump in my throat it might be cancer(throat tightens up) you spend days worrying about it, you worry about panic attacks, you worry if you are going to be okay in public or work. And what happens is that we have a thermomiter in our brain called the amygdala, and it gets more and more sensetive to anxious behavior, and when ur at a high scale you feel like you cant do anything to stop it, you walk down the park BOOM panic attack, you walk to your bathroom BOOM panic attack, you sit and laugh and have fun with friends, boom panic attack. So you want to make that scale lower, so you try to think positive and so on, but there is no real dramatic change. So what do you do? you start to change your behavior, to a non anxious one, you start to act and think like a non anxious person, and when you feel very anxious you ignore it and continue to do whatever you were doing, you eat normaly, exercise normaly. and when life gives you opportunities like, somebody calls you and asks u if you want to follow them to a party or to their place over the weekend in some far away place, you do it. just say yes to anything that involves fun and dont stay away from it.

To be honest I was going to make a post today and bitch and whine about how my week has been shit and that I feel like I have no control over my anxiety but writing this to you made me feel strong again, I feel like I can tackle tommorows problems, and I somewhat got some of my manhood back so many thanks to you!
+ Have goals, make ten to twelve goals, and give yourself a year to complete those goals ex: (start going to the gym, start working, get better at a new language etc... you get the point)

I tried to rush these 2 posts because I have to go meet a friend so if there is anything you dont understand just give me a message :)

09-05-2012, 01:44 PM
Reading your post made me REALLY furious, you really think u got it hard? you just got kicked from work EXPERIENCE, you said feel anxeity for 2 weeks now? I've felt despair, raw terror, un-ending anxeity for almost 2-3 years now. everyday waking up feeling dizzy feeling like I want to puke, I feel raw hunger from not eating anything soild for days, breaking out from sweat from just walking to the store to buy something NON solid so I can finaly get something down. I lost like 20 kilos which I had worked really hard for in the gym working out 4 times a week(for 1 and a half year) eating to the breaking point everyday, and then seeing my self turn into a skeleton looking thing in the mirror, how do you think I felt then? At my lowest I couldnt even go to the store... I dropped out of colleuge in my second year and took a two year break, doing nothing and being home and just feeling like utter SHIT, on the verge of suicide, ONLY thing that kept me from doing it was that I didn't want to hurt my family.

But you know what I did in the start of last year? I manned the f*** up I started to read charles lindens book about anxeity, I started to call friends I started to emerge my self into doing daily stuff as chores in the house, going out at evenings playing basketball and etc with my friends eventho walking out of the door was making me want to piss my pants. eventually little by little it starts to release its hold on you, but the funny part is that it never really goes away if you dont get proper medication/therapy. BUT you learn to live with it, through experiences you learn how to handle stuff. and be open about having anxeity dont feel ashamed for it, you dont have to tell everybody, just your close friends you hang out with after work etc, childhood friends, people you trust. Dont walk around hiding it will only make it worse, and hiding at home will make it even worse. And I started attending school, everyday eventho i felt like shit, I felt like puking in the classroom but I just kept busy started talking with people in my class really focusing hard on my work, and I also keept a bottle of water or soda near me incase I got thirsty.

I dont know what degree of anxeity/panic attacks you have, but on a daily scale I felt anxeity 10/10, and this includes the whole package, sensations, panick attacks, depression. stuff that worked for me was

+ Keeping busy.( doing stuff that will take your mind of the anxeity, the more physical the better, basketball, fotball, gym house chores, helping people move, stuff that makes you break out in a sweat.
+ Eating alot, if ive eaten poorly I cannot deal with anxeity at all, I Just have no energy to deal with it.(eat as many meals through out the day as possible)
+ When you are feeling at your lowest, talk to people, you actually dont even have to talk about your problems, just make them talk about their day, what they want to do in the weekend, what chicks they meet etc, just talk
about anything for a few hours. Take a walk with ur friend talk about what you want to do in ur life etc, and then you can also get some stuff off ur chest, "like man my day has been shit etc".....
+ I drink alot of water, Dont know if it helps but I get thristy alot since I have something called globus hystericus which basically is a lump in your throat, and my throat gets dry and irritated. what I really belive globus is that its emotion which triggers the feeling, but w/e
+ Have a positive mindset, dont think like a wus, be strong, be a man dammit, there are people having it even worse than me, and I dont even want to emagine how that feels.
+ Have even more stuff to do on the side, right now I try to speak to as many chicks as possible, chatting with them on internet striking up conversations in school and when walking at home, I just spend alot of time thinking about openers and etc and it keeps me busy and I actually enjoy it alot.

Not fair at all man. Im not trying to feel sorry for myself. So what you've had it harder. Ive had depression and depersonalization and anxiety for four fucking years you little prick. Thats like someone coming here saying what about the man with no arms and no legs? I feel like i want to put myself in a mental home and come very close the other day. Don't think im wallowing. I'm manning the fuck up. Charles linden claims to cure DP anxiety, but he profits from the vulnerable. I have not had a decent night sleep in 2 months. I'm going out forcing myself with 2 hours sleep a night. Waking up in shear panic that im going psychotic. I'm afraid to have a shower but eventually force myself. Do you know what its like to look in the mirror and not recognize yourself? Every night i cant sleep without a drink. The point was i was trying to get people to relate. How anxiety or depression has got them sacked. Yeah it was shitty work experience. But it made me feel bad at the time. I got sacked for working for nothing lol. Dont give me ive had it worse than you bullshit pal cause you dont no me whatsoever.

09-05-2012, 01:46 PM
Another Swede here?...COOL!!!


09-05-2012, 01:47 PM
Not fair at all man. Im not trying to feel sorry for myself. So what you've had it harder. Ive had depression and depersonalization and anxiety for four fucking years you little prick. Thats like someone coming here saying what about the man with no arms and no legs? I feel like i want to put myself in a mental home and come very close the other day. Don't think im wallowing. I'm manning the fuck up. Charles linden claims to cure DP anxiety, but he profits from the vulnerable. I have not had a decent night sleep in 2 months. I'm going out forcing myself with 2 hours sleep a night. Waking up in shear panic that im going psychotic. I'm afraid to have a shower but eventually force myself. Do you know what its like to look in the mirror and not recognize yourself? Every night i cant sleep without a drink. The point was i was trying to get people to relate. How anxiety or depression has got them sacked. Yeah it was shitty work experience. But it made me feel bad at the time. I got sacked for working for nothing lol. Dont give me ive had it worse than you bullshit pal cause you dont no me whatsoever.

09-05-2012, 02:07 PM
Woah De ja vu

09-05-2012, 02:46 PM
Hey FlukMan,

Chill dude..I've fought battles with anxiety and every other mental distortion possible for an entire life of 44 yrs but I wish to help you through your tough time so others like you dont have to think yer struggleing alone. I've struggled in every way I believe, and learned much from each "trial" as well. I only wish I'd had some kinda real help or useful advice when I was younger because it wouldv'e saved me alot of pain, time, torment, and saved others from the agony I would inflict upon them too.

You'll get through this bruh. Send me a PM if you need any specific pointers or suggestions because I can offer you alot of different "tools" to work with dude.

Papaw Enduronman..

09-05-2012, 03:07 PM
Cheers man. Sorry i don't mean to loose it. To be honest this post was done on a depersonalization forum, with people have anxiety there (most) as its mainly a anxiety related condition. I realize i may have sounded a bit of a bitch, and fair enough i swallow my pride and kind of agree. But sometimes im fine, the next its anxiety almost 24/7. I force myself out of the house and think i can make it but then the anxiety strikes out of nowhere. Feels like there's no trigger. I'm also a hypochondriac. Spent most of the day convincing myself i have TB now i realize how irrational that was... Shall i buy the Valium and celexa im prescribed tomorrow? Shall i fight it alone. God I'd be proud of myself if i did fight this alone without help...But sometimes i feel like its a chemical imbalance. Cause ive felt numb for 3 years straight with bouts of depression, low energy, nothing suicidal but miserable lows. Basically one minute i feel mad, the next falling to bits and no matter how hard i fight i cant seem to control it.

If i have offended anyone else i apologize. Ive been through strong bouts of depression where nothing is enjoyable and i just cried over nothing. Ive felt unreal and detached also for about 3 months straight. Other than that the depression is mild but 24/7. So im not ashamed by any means of the measure, im also not ashamed of myself for being dismissed cause i know i have a mental health problem, even if im pissed off about it. Feeling like im on edge and going to have a full on mental fucking breakdown everyday is not normal. And i kid you not i came close to admitting myself to a hospital one night.

Thanks very much for your kind offer Enduronman. Seriously man 40 odd years is a long time. I may take you up on that offer..

09-05-2012, 03:57 PM
Just remember the (1) key point that I typed earlier on in this thread. DO NOT continue to try to hide, conceal, cover, camo this disorder from other people because that is how this mental illness survives and thrives within so many people..Open, honest, transparency,..is a HUGE part of removing this f**ker and his allies from you and your life friend..

Should you purchase some chemical assist? YES.

It is chemical shortages, short circuits, misfiring neurotransmitters, and a host of other haywire things in your brain too that continue to allow this haunting condition..So, yes..get them and use them for now.

You're not lost bruh..


09-05-2012, 04:52 PM
Not fair at all man. Im not trying to feel sorry for myself. So what you've had it harder. Ive had depression and depersonalization and anxiety for four fucking years you little prick. Thats like someone coming here saying what about the man with no arms and no legs? I feel like i want to put myself in a mental home and come very close the other day. Don't think im wallowing. I'm manning the fuck up. Charles linden claims to cure DP anxiety, but he profits from the vulnerable. I have not had a decent night sleep in 2 months. I'm going out forcing myself with 2 hours sleep a night. Waking up in shear panic that im going psychotic. I'm afraid to have a shower but eventually force myself. Do you know what its like to look in the mirror and not recognize yourself? Every night i cant sleep without a drink. The point was i was trying to get people to relate. How anxiety or depression has got them sacked. Yeah it was shitty work experience. But it made me feel bad at the time. I got sacked for working for nothing lol. Dont give me ive had it worse than you bullshit pal cause you dont no me whatsoever.

I just feel I dont want to sympathies with you, it wont help you at all. It hasn't helped me at all. I know all about trying REALLY hard to come to a place and then when u go there and make an effort no one approves because you are only there once or twice a week, and people think ur a slacker because you dont explain why you are absent, in fear of telling people whats really going on. You said ur are 19 years old correct? and you cant go to bed without drinking? I do agree drinking gives me the very best feeling in the entire world, when im drunk I dont feel a blip of anxeity, I dont care for anything, just thinking about it gives me shivers(in a good way). But when I do get hammered and wake up the next day with coldsweat and my body is at the point of freezing and my anxeity scale is up the roof plus that im really hung over puking all over the place, it doesnt feel that great. And I think to myself do I really need to go through this. Fact is I dont, I dont know really what els to say than I think ur not trying to become better not doing the necessary steps to evolve into a non anxious person, I dont know about the sleeping problems because I never had them. Sleeping to me has always been great, because I spend the day shaking and thinking about unecessary shit, and all the panic attacks I used to have are exhausting, feels like i've done 3 marathons in 1 day, so by bed time sleep comes easy.

Man what im trying to say is.... that typing on this forum is not helping me or you in a grand scale, what works for me and alot of people is exercise and I mean like you give it your all, maximum intensity so you have trouble raising yourself of the floor after stretching, talk to people, I mean face to face. Tell them about your problems, get a big fat load of ur chest. And as hard as it might get ignore, ignorance is the best weapon, let it have its way, dont pay any attention to it. You got sacked because you werent there, and you werent there because you feel like shit, because of sleeping probs anxeity etc, if you could forward back in time to before you skipped these days wouldnt you go there eventho you felt like shit? eventho you slept 2h you could still go and try to be positive and go to bed early, because if you sleep like shit every night as you say 2-3 sometimes 5 hours in the end you are going to be so tired 1 day you go to bed early and you sleep alooot and wake up fresh it happens, its like staying up for 35h eventually you are really tired and have to go to bed, ofc u can push it but why.

Right now, I go to study, I go there eventho I feel like shit. the only thing sometimes I get down is breakfast, I skipp lunch because I feel to anxious to eat, sometimes I eat sometimes not depends on my anxeity level. But I still catch up with eating routines as soon as I get home, so I still end up taking the same amounts of carbs/protiens I need per day. What im trying to tell you is that you also can do the same thing. Find a new place for work experience and JUST GO. have fun, life is to short to dwell on shit, sometimes as the day pans out you might find yourself dwelling on something, just try to direct ur thoughts to something els. And yeah I been down the same road as you questioning my own sanity, but thats a part of anxeity.

- Just take a hard look on how your posture is, what you are eating through the day, what you can make better, what muscles you are unintentionaly tensing, how much sleep and excersiceing and how much socializing, make a life plan, and stop drinking at night, I promise you sleep or no sleep it is not helping you, and you _will_ agree if you think about it -

Well, I dont think charles is a scam, what he gave me was hope, and a broader understanding about anxeity. I no longer fear anxeity, fuck it, fuck anxeity! But not fearing anxeity doesnt mean its stopped, It just means I can feel a panic attack rising excuse myself from the lesson, go to the toilet put some water on my face, breath deeply talk to myself in the mirrior "your a champ, your a champ" stay in there for 2 minutes, go back with a smile on my face(but secretly feeling super exhausted) Sit my as down in my seat, Still hearing the sound of my heart pounding in my ears. feel the rush of adrenaline, and then I look around the class once, then I continue to do my work and eventually it passes. Im managing it to the best of my abilities, and sometimes I get to the point that I question why I dont commit suicide, the load on my shoulders are much heavier than a normal person who only has to worry about doing his duties and what he wants to eat for dinner and how to give it to his wife good. But and I answer to my self that im stronger, thats why I carry this load. And my friend if I can, SO CAN YOU!

" Stop fighting anxeity, you cant win the fight ... replace anxeity with new found lust for life" . By the way, Im borrowing my linden manual from my friend, so who said anything about paying for any product, im only gaining by reading, gaining knowledge and a broader understanding. Im 100% sure that you can find a new work experience and be there everday for 4 weeks or w/e and make a excellent job, and I can say this without knowing you from just seeing what you write, to me it looks like you want to do it but cant. JUST DO IT MAN and good luck


09-05-2012, 05:11 PM
this isn't the middle ages... anxiety is so easy to terat now between ssris, benzos,
anxiety is a problem, but one that can be overcome for the most part over time :) good luck in your journey.

As far as alcohol, whatever works I guess.

09-06-2012, 07:18 AM
I agree with E man, try the valium and celexa. At least it will curb some of the daily anxiety you have been feeling....I think one of the other posters on here gave you some excellent ideas in how to cope with your anxiety....proper meals, proper amt of sleep, communication with other people about how you are truly feeling. Try to take baby steps each day. Make yourself do something you would not normally do....the amount of satisfaction you will get from that will be tremendous, and will push you to step outside of your box even more.