View Full Version : Having anxiety attack

09-04-2012, 04:13 PM
Just went to doctor about depression and adding on Wellbutrin for it in addition to celexa. He acted like he didn't believe I was depressed and very nonplussed, then he said it wouldn't work more than celexa for quitting smoking. And hes putting me on a low dose to start so i feel like thats totally not going to work since i have been super depressed. He made me so anxious my blood pressure was up and now I feel like I can't breathe. I am so worried about everything and about finding a job that I feel faint and dizzy. I just want to cry. I am so sad and upset and feel like everything is crashing down. I feel like I am never going to find a job or be happy or be normal. I don't know how I am going to do this--- I just want to calm down and know everything will be okay but I can't trust that. I am just so nervous and upset.

09-04-2012, 05:20 PM
The number one factor that determines whether therapy will work for you is whether or not you like and trust your therapist. If you don't feel comfortable by the third session, you are out of there! I went to one shrink who told me that my depression would go away as soon as I got a nice job! Nonsense! I never went back. I kept shopping until I found a guy who took me seriously, talked to me like an equal, and never, ever made me feel anything but better. He was also a specialist in medications, but didn't use them on me for a long time. When he did, he went carefully.

I take Welbutrin, which certainly does help many people stop smoking. It was developed as an anti-depressant, but, during the trials, depressives kept coming in to the developers and mentioning that they had stopped smoking without trying! They just didn't want to, or didn't like the taste anymore. So the drug was also marketed under another name for smokers.