View Full Version : Anyone else?

09-03-2012, 09:58 PM
Does anyone else here ever have a constant lump in their throat feeling?? I've seen the doc and all said anxiety related.. It's been over 7 years since " trauma " ended, but this lump in my throat thing just won't give.. I also get blotchy skin when ever I talk about what happened or if something reminds me of what happened.. Has anyone here had this and if so how did you overcome it?? Thank you any suggestions or thoughts are really appreciated,)

09-03-2012, 10:04 PM
gerd/acid reflux

09-03-2012, 10:08 PM
No , I saw ENT, was on galviscon and Prilosec for 3 years it's been about two.. It's every day.. All day.. I also saw gastro and he said I have Irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS) but that would not cause the lump in my throat feeling.. I thought the same thing reflux as well but it's been ruled out.. I eat pretty bland foods as well too.. I just want it to stop! Thank you so much for your suggestion

09-03-2012, 11:49 PM
yes, your acid reflux is gone, but the lump in the throat can still remain there.

Jo Smith
09-04-2012, 04:25 AM
I have had this symptom once before. If its the same feeling it is horrible. I went to a walk in clinic and they said to relax my shoulder and jaw muscles by doing some tensing and relaxing exercises. For me it only lasted maybe 4 days. The feeling reminds me of the feeling you get when you swallow food and it goes down to slow. Only this has just stopped right there in ur throat. And as for blotchy skin, if im anxious i get super toasty hand and they go blotchy, but not anywhere else on my body as far as i no! x

09-04-2012, 09:41 AM
I have it too but I used to smoke. So as well as anxiety related causes the doctor has also put it down to possibly being post nasal drip


09-04-2012, 09:23 PM
Wow, thank you to you all. It's good to know that someone else has had this lump in my throat feeling.. I have been cleared of gerd and reflux., I also completed 2 months of PHysical therapy because I was having really bad neck pain. I Don't handle pain killers well at all. So I just deal with the pain. I finally went to an orthopedist and he ordered an MRI of my c spine.. He said I have no curvature in my spine because my neck and shoulder muscles have been so tight for so long.. I thought after reading your responses to call and ask if this could be causing the " lump in my throat feeling" he said that it could because I am still so tense it could be causing my throat to swell.. And it does for so long now feel like something is stuck in my throat. So I guess basically I REALLY need to try and RELAX!! I don't even think I know how to do that.. I'm working on it... It could always be worse!!
As for the hives/ blotchy skin .. That has been for years .. The doctor said its the " fight or flight" response..,PTSD and anxiety.. It's been 7 years! I wonder how long this will last!!!! Reading on here it sounds like others have had this as well.. But no one knows how to stop it.. I'll keep reading. Thank you all do much for your comments and advice;) it's nice to have a place to just put it out there.. So thank you!

09-04-2012, 09:48 PM
I don't have this side effect, but I do get bad heart rates that are really high