View Full Version : Hand sanitizer issues!!

09-02-2012, 03:12 PM
Right, i have OCD so for me hand washing, like it says in the name, its compulsive!!
Im terrified of sickness so i like to wash my hands a lot. However, i feel i am getting better with it...or am i? Let me explain.
I used to wash my hands a lot, then i thought what if i cant get to a sink, hand sanitizer, perfect!! I got the two hour antibacterial protection gel, all was well till i noticed every two hours i would apply it. Also, i realised something, its obvious to me now but it was antibacterial and most illnesses are viruses, greaaat! So then my boyfriend got me a antiviral and antibacterial hand foam and it continues working for 6 hours. Because it lasts so long, i never really wash my hands anymore, obviously i do when i need to but when I'm in public i don't have the urge to run to a sink.

What I'm trying to get at, is this good or is my mind going to trick me into thinking this isn't enough to protect me from germs.
Is this foam helping me because it puts my mind at rest completely or am i going to think of another precaution to take :)


09-02-2012, 04:27 PM
Of course i don't like living like this, who would?
I do go to CBT but i feel its not that necessary anymore because it was about hand washing.
To be honest, i know for a fact i would use the Antivirus stuff if i didn't have OCD anyway as i hate being ill, I've always hated it, so at the moment i just feel normal and comfortable and i don't wash my hands as much as i did.
Before i go out i put some on my hands and I'm fine outside for hours, i do obviously take out a travel size one incase i get something sticky on my hands or if I'm out for hours and hours on end. But again, i used to carry around sanitizer before OCD kicked in.