View Full Version : Believing my doctor & hypnosis

03-13-2007, 07:30 PM
I just had a physical yesterday and I passed everything with flying colors. He said a lot of the chest pain I've been having is from 1) anxiety 2) acid reflux. My heart is healthy and I shouldn't worry about at all.

My doctor is wonderful. He's very sympathetic to this and is willing to do anything to help! It's just hard not to think "there's something wrong with me!".

I had an exciting evening and had palpitations, so I came home and took 1/2 of my Ativan. The palps have stopped...so that's reassuring! Does anyone else have problems with this? Will I ever except that I'm well....healthy????

I've also started therapy and she suggested that I try hypnosis. Has anyone here done that? I'm a little nervous (duh!) about it but she said it's not like what I see on TV.

03-14-2007, 01:25 AM
I understand exactly where your coming from my doctor is the same way. Ive had a bunch of tests done and I am perfectly fine, even so my doctor always tells me to call and let him no if there is anything new happening.
Im also on ativan... and for the most part it works for me too. Im beging to realize that being well in our view will take us time to get over and realize that our anxiety is part of us and we just have to work with it.

On a side note on how caring my doctor is I called and left a message about my heartrate jumping up to 180 during my last anxiety attack and he set me up with an appointment just to check me out, doesnt think anything is wrong but better safe then sorry.

I havent tried hypnosis but I would be willing to try anything to get out of the anxiety issuses that we share :lol:

03-20-2007, 08:12 AM
Hi Myra

I've tried about three sessions of hypnosis. I found it nice and relaxing at the time, but no lasting effects, it could be that I didn't get into a "trance" 100%, I'm not sure; however, I have heard of it being very useful to quite a few people.

Just think of hypnosis as daydreaming, the object is just to become very relaxed and this is supposed to allow your sub-concious to allow and listen to positive suggestions from the therapist.

Good luck